MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project
This submission contains a link to the EDX Collaborative Workspace where the MT data collected in support of the DOE GTO 4D EGS monitoring project is stored.
Daily production reports-- Oregon State University (OSU) had 6 stations running continuously.
--Dynamic survey map, KML file with MT locations on the west flank. Read off at location, created excel file for locations of each NBL. Zonge has two N-S lines of MT stations, 1-x and 2-x. Created excel file for locations of each 1-x and 2-x.
--In stations, each station has day file with calibration of magnetometers, 6 channels. .Z3d are proprietary data files (refer to Zonge Int'l)
--MT Section: has four channels that went into it, in edi format are given frequenices, coordinate system. Tensor-- four elements of this tensor at each frequency. The tensor is complex-valued-- it has a real part and an imaginary part at each frequency. In .zxr the impedance sensor relates N-S to E-W. "r" is imaginary. "ZXYVAR" is variance, error on each impedance tensor. Transmuted into apparent resistivity "ro". phase.
Citation Formats
National Energy Technology Laboratory. (2016). MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project [data set]. Retrieved from
Rose, Kelly, and . MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project. United States: N.p., 12 Apr, 2016. Web.
Rose, Kelly, & . MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project. United States.
Rose, Kelly, and . 2016. "MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project". United States.
@div{oedi_6992, title = {MT Data: Newberry 4D Monitoring EGS Project}, author = {Rose, Kelly, and .}, abstractNote = {This submission contains a link to the EDX Collaborative Workspace where the MT data collected in support of the DOE GTO 4D EGS monitoring project is stored.
Daily production reports-- Oregon State University (OSU) had 6 stations running continuously.
--Dynamic survey map, KML file with MT locations on the west flank. Read off at location, created excel file for locations of each NBL. Zonge has two N-S lines of MT stations, 1-x and 2-x. Created excel file for locations of each 1-x and 2-x.
--In stations, each station has day file with calibration of magnetometers, 6 channels. .Z3d are proprietary data files (refer to Zonge Int'l)
--MT Section: has four channels that went into it, in edi format are given frequenices, coordinate system. Tensor-- four elements of this tensor at each frequency. The tensor is complex-valued-- it has a real part and an imaginary part at each frequency. In .zxr the impedance sensor relates N-S to E-W. "r" is imaginary. "ZXYVAR" is variance, error on each impedance tensor. Transmuted into apparent resistivity "ro". phase.
}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {04}}
Data from Apr 12, 2016
Last updated Sep 15, 2020
Submitted Apr 23, 2016
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Kelly Rose
Original Source Areas
geothermal, enhanced geothermal system, EGS, MT, NEWGEN, Newberry, Oregon, magnetotelluric, geophyscis, geophysics, EDX, monitoring, stimulationDOE Project Details
Project Name Novel use of 4D Monitoring Techniques to Improve Reservoir Longevity and Productivity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Project Lead Lauren Boyd
Project Number FY11 AOP 11113