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Newberry EGS Literature References

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Research references to literature about the Newberry geothermal area, Oregon.

Citation Formats

National Energy Technology Laboratory. (2016). Newberry EGS Literature References [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1261970.
Export Citation to RIS
Rose, Kelly, and . Newberry EGS Literature References. United States: N.p., 22 Apr, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15121/1261970.
Rose, Kelly, & . Newberry EGS Literature References. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1261970
Rose, Kelly, and . 2016. "Newberry EGS Literature References". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1261970. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/797.
@div{oedi_6990, title = {Newberry EGS Literature References}, author = {Rose, Kelly, and .}, abstractNote = {Research references to literature about the Newberry geothermal area, Oregon.}, doi = {10.15121/1261970}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/797}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 22, 2016

Last updated Nov 14, 2019

Submitted Apr 23, 2016


National Energy Technology Laboratory


Kelly Rose


Kelly Rose

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Novel use of 4D Monitoring Techniques to Improve Reservoir Longevity and Productivity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Project Lead Lauren Boyd

Project Number FY11 AOP 11113


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