CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho
This dataset contains chemical analyses for thermal wells and springs in Southeastern Idaho. Data includes all major cations, major anions, pH, collection temperature, and some trace metals. These samples were collected in 2014 by the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), and are part of a continuous effort to analyze the geothermal potential of Southeastern Idaho.
Citation Formats
Idaho National Laboratory. (2014). CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho [data set]. Retrieved from
Mattson, Earl. CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho. United States: N.p., 10 Mar, 2014. Web. doi: 10.15121/1154912.
Mattson, Earl. CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho. United States.
Mattson, Earl. 2014. "CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho". United States.
@div{oedi_6737, title = {CAES 2014 Chemical Analyses of Thermal Wells and Springs in Southeastern Idaho}, author = {Mattson, Earl.}, abstractNote = {This dataset contains chemical analyses for thermal wells and springs in Southeastern Idaho. Data includes all major cations, major anions, pH, collection temperature, and some trace metals. These samples were collected in 2014 by the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES), and are part of a continuous effort to analyze the geothermal potential of Southeastern Idaho. }, doi = {10.15121/1154912}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {03}}
Data from Mar 10, 2014
Last updated Jun 22, 2017
Submitted Jul 21, 2014
Idaho National Laboratory
Earl Mattson
Original Source Areas
southeastern idaho, geothermal, aqueous chemistry, wells, springs, Eastern Snake River Plain, well, spring, Idaho, Snake River Plain, dissolved constituents, base metals, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.basemetals1.10, common analytes, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.commonanalytes1.10, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.minordissolvedconstituents1.10, water quality, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.waterquality1.10, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.nitrogen1.10, usgincm:aqueous chemistry.majordissolvedconstituents1.10, geothermal potential, geochemistry, aqueous, chemical analysis, cations, anions, pH, temperature, trace metals, Southeast IdahoDOE Project Details
Project Name Center for Advanced Energy Studies 2014
Project Lead Eric Hass
Project Number FY14 AOP