First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado
The CIRES remote sensing unit of the University of Colorado was commissioned by Flint Geothermal LLC to identify areas of warm ground that could signify the thermal signature of "blind" geothermal systems. Using ASTER and LANDSAT data along with other characteristics considered favorable for the existence of geothermal systems, CIRES came up with a set of high-priority targets in Colorado. This Power Point presentation outlines these high-priority areas.
Citation Formats
Flint Geothermal, LLC. (2012). First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado [data set]. Retrieved from
Hussein, Khalid, and . First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado. United States: N.p., 01 Feb, 2012. Web.
Hussein, Khalid, & . First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado. United States.
Hussein, Khalid, and . 2012. "First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado". United States.
@div{oedi_6669, title = {First Priority Geothermal Target Areas as Identified by ASTER and LANDSAT Thermal Imaging of Parts of Colorado}, author = {Hussein, Khalid, and .}, abstractNote = {The CIRES remote sensing unit of the University of Colorado was commissioned by Flint Geothermal LLC to identify areas of warm ground that could signify the thermal signature of "blind" geothermal systems. Using ASTER and LANDSAT data along with other characteristics considered favorable for the existence of geothermal systems, CIRES came up with a set of high-priority targets in Colorado. This Power Point presentation outlines these high-priority areas.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2012}, month = {02}}
Data from Feb 1, 2012
Last updated Jun 5, 2017
Submitted Feb 27, 2014
Flint Geothermal, LLC
Khalid Hussein
Original Source Areas
geothermal, Colorado, Thermal infrared, ASTER, LANDSAT, Remote sensing, potential sites, Chaffee County, Delta County, Eagle County, Garfield County, Park County, Routt CountyDOE Project Details
Project Name Recovery Act: Use Remote Sensing Data (selected visible and infrared spectrums) to locate high temp ground anomalies in Colorado.Confirm heat flow potential w/ on-site temp surveys to drill deep resource wells
Project Lead Mark Ziegenbein
Project Number EE0002828