Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report
The goal of this project was to develop a detailed computer simulation tool for GSHP (ground source heat pump) heating and cooling systems. Two such tools were developed as part of this DOE (Department of Energy) grant; the first is a two-dimensional computer program called GEO2D and the second is a three-dimensional computer program called GEO3D. These computer tools simulate the coupled performance of the ground loop and the heat pump. This report explains the programs in detail and explains their utility.
Citation Formats
Wright State University. (2013). Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report [data set]. Retrieved from
Menart, James, and Frederick, Jackie. Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report. United States: N.p., 31 Jul, 2013. Web.
Menart, James, & Frederick, Jackie. Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report. United States.
Menart, James, and Frederick, Jackie. 2013. "Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report". United States.
@div{oedi_6579, title = {Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump System Final Scientific Report}, author = {Menart, James, and Frederick, Jackie.}, abstractNote = {The goal of this project was to develop a detailed computer simulation tool for GSHP (ground source heat pump) heating and cooling systems. Two such tools were developed as part of this DOE (Department of Energy) grant; the first is a two-dimensional computer program called GEO2D and the second is a three-dimensional computer program called GEO3D. These computer tools simulate the coupled performance of the ground loop and the heat pump. This report explains the programs in detail and explains their utility.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2013}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 31, 2013
Last updated Jul 6, 2021
Submitted Jul 31, 2013
Wright State University
James Menart
Original Source Areas
geothermal, Ground Source Heat Pump Systems, Computer Modeling, Vertical Wells, Horizontal Wells, Heat Rate Results, COP results, Final Report, GEO2D, GEO3D, code, computer, modeling, wells, report, heat pumpsDOE Project Details
Project Name Recovery Act: Finite Volume Based Computer Program for Ground Source Heat Pump Systems
Project Lead Arlene Anderson
Project Number EE0002805