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USGS Water Data for the Nation

Publicly accessible License 

The U.S. Geological Survey maintains national data bases of water-use information. The data are collected and compiled every five years for each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

County, state, and national water-use estimates may be downloaded from the National Water Information System Web (NWISWeb) interface, Water Data for the Nation, by selecting the Water Use button or data category pull-down. Data on NWISWeb represent the current best estimates, and may have been revised from previous publications. Data available from the USGS County Water-Use generally reflect the published report, and may have been revised in subsequent analyses.

Note: State-level data from 1950-1980 and watershed data are not available on NWISWeb, but they can be downloaded USGS County Water-Use Data link.

Citation Formats

United States Geological Survey. (2020). USGS Water Data for the Nation [data set]. Retrieved from https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/2.
Export Citation to RIS
Hopkins, Candice, and Team, Water Data for the Nation. USGS Water Data for the Nation. United States: N.p., 06 Aug, 2020. Web. https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/2.
Hopkins, Candice, & Team, Water Data for the Nation. USGS Water Data for the Nation. United States. https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/2
Hopkins, Candice, and Team, Water Data for the Nation. 2020. "USGS Water Data for the Nation". United States. https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/2.
@div{oedi_6460, title = {USGS Water Data for the Nation}, author = {Hopkins, Candice, and Team, Water Data for the Nation.}, abstractNote = {The U.S. Geological Survey maintains national data bases of water-use information. The data are collected and compiled every five years for each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

County, state, and national water-use estimates may be downloaded from the National Water Information System Web (NWISWeb) interface, Water Data for the Nation, by selecting the Water Use button or data category pull-down. Data on NWISWeb represent the current best estimates, and may have been revised from previous publications. Data available from the USGS County Water-Use generally reflect the published report, and may have been revised in subsequent analyses.

Note: State-level data from 1950-1980 and watershed data are not available on NWISWeb, but they can be downloaded USGS County Water-Use Data link.}, doi = {}, url = {https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/2}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {08}}


Data from Aug 6, 2020

Last updated Dec 7, 2020

Submitted Aug 13, 2020


United States Geological Survey


Candice Hopkins



Candice Hopkins

United States Geological Survey

Water Data for the Nation Team

United States Geological Survey

DOE Project Details

Project Name NAWI Integrated Data and Analysis

Project Lead Melissa Klembara

Project Number EE0036496


Submission Downloads