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Community Solar Resource Database

Publicly accessible License 

NREL has updated a database of publicly available resources related to community solar in the U.S., including journal articles, reports, fact sheets, slides, videos, datasets, webinars, and other formats. This effort aims to compile resources that would benefit all partners interested in investigating the market status, data analysis, regulation, stakeholder engagement, and the best practices of community solar development.

Citation Formats

Strategic Energy Analysis Center. (2022). Community Solar Resource Database [data set]. Retrieved from 8c7164d5-067a-46ff-b089-47e5d9f4abe3.
Export Citation to RIS
Burton, , Xu, . Community Solar Resource Database. United States: N.p., 27 Oct, 2022. Web. 8c7164d5-067a-46ff-b089-47e5d9f4abe3.
Burton, , Xu, . Community Solar Resource Database. United States. 8c7164d5-067a-46ff-b089-47e5d9f4abe3
Burton, , Xu, . 2022. "Community Solar Resource Database". United States. 8c7164d5-067a-46ff-b089-47e5d9f4abe3.
@div{oedi_6395, title = {Community Solar Resource Database}, author = {Burton, , Xu, .}, abstractNote = {NREL has updated a database of publicly available resources related to community solar in the U.S., including journal articles, reports, fact sheets, slides, videos, datasets, webinars, and other formats. This effort aims to compile resources that would benefit all partners interested in investigating the market status, data analysis, regulation, stakeholder engagement, and the best practices of community solar development.
}, doi = {}, url = {8c7164d5-067a-46ff-b089-47e5d9f4abe3}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 27, 2022

Last updated Dec 18, 2024

Submitted Oct 27, 2022


Strategic Energy Analysis Center


Kaifeng Xu



Strategic Energy Analysis Center


Strategic Energy Analysis Center

DOE Project Details

Project Name National Community Solar Partnership (NREL)

Project Number 39849


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