DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995
The data included in this submission is United States Department of Transportation (DOT) data up to 1995. The data includes motor-fuel gallonage taxes 1950-1995, motor-fuel use 1919-1995, private and commercial highway use of special fuels, by state 1949-1995, highway use of gasoline, by state 1949-1995, gasohol sales by state, 1980-1992, and estimated use of gasohol, 1993-1995. The data is presented in .xlsx format.
### License Info
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2014). DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995 [data set]. Retrieved from
Hill, Graham, and (DOT), U.S. Department of Transportation. DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995. United States: N.p., 29 Jul, 2014. Web.
Hill, Graham, & (DOT), U.S. Department of Transportation. DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995. United States.
Hill, Graham, and (DOT), U.S. Department of Transportation. 2014. "DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995". United States.
@div{oedi_605, title = {DOT Motor-fuel use statistics summary to 1995}, author = {Hill, Graham, and (DOT), U.S. Department of Transportation.}, abstractNote = {The data included in this submission is United States Department of Transportation (DOT) data up to 1995. The data includes motor-fuel gallonage taxes 1950-1995, motor-fuel use 1919-1995, private and commercial highway use of special fuels, by state 1949-1995, highway use of gasoline, by state 1949-1995, gasohol sales by state, 1980-1992, and estimated use of gasohol, 1993-1995. The data is presented in .xlsx format.
### License Info
Open:}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 29, 2014
Last updated Jul 29, 2014
Submitted Jul 29, 2014
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Graham Hill