Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling
This dataset was created to model the anticipated heating load of a geothermal project in development for the historical site of Pilgrim Hot Springs, and adds to the history of geothermal studies at the site. Models include an historical building (Nun's Quarters), existing modern buildings (Caretaker's Cabin, Igloo, Visitor's Cabin, Staff Shower Hut), and planned building projects (Changing Room, Greenhouse). Modeling results were used to determine feasible geothermal system typologies. The previous study linked below ("Village of Solomon Development of Energy Efficiency Building Standards for New Construction") feeds in to this project.
The dataset includes DWG drawings and AKwarm energy models (.hm2) of a subset of existing buildings at the site of Pilgrim Hot Springs. All buildings were modeled in their current state, and some were additionally modeled with improvements to the building envelope. Energy modeling results exported from AKwarm include .htm and .png images.
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). (2024). Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2370410.
Garber-Slaght, Robbin, and Coakley, Milena. Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling. United States: N.p., 28 Feb, 2024. Web. doi: 10.25984/2370410.
Garber-Slaght, Robbin, & Coakley, Milena. Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2370410
Garber-Slaght, Robbin, and Coakley, Milena. 2024. "Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2370410. https://data.openei.org/submissions/5992.
@div{oedi_5992, title = {Pilgrim Hot Springs Building Dimensions and Energy Modeling}, author = {Garber-Slaght, Robbin, and Coakley, Milena.}, abstractNote = {This dataset was created to model the anticipated heating load of a geothermal project in development for the historical site of Pilgrim Hot Springs, and adds to the history of geothermal studies at the site. Models include an historical building (Nun's Quarters), existing modern buildings (Caretaker's Cabin, Igloo, Visitor's Cabin, Staff Shower Hut), and planned building projects (Changing Room, Greenhouse). Modeling results were used to determine feasible geothermal system typologies. The previous study linked below ("Village of Solomon Development of Energy Efficiency Building Standards for New Construction") feeds in to this project.
The dataset includes DWG drawings and AKwarm energy models (.hm2) of a subset of existing buildings at the site of Pilgrim Hot Springs. All buildings were modeled in their current state, and some were additionally modeled with improvements to the building envelope. Energy modeling results exported from AKwarm include .htm and .png images.}, doi = {10.25984/2370410}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/5992}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {02}}
Data from Feb 28, 2024
Last updated Dec 1, 2024
Submitted Apr 4, 2024
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Georgina Davis
Research Areas
energy, power, geothermal, energy modeling, buildings, historical buildings, Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska, hot springs, heating load, geothermal system typologies, DWG, AKwarm, model, computational scienceDOE Project Details
Project Name Pilgrim Hot Springs Direct-Use Geothermal District Heating and Cooling
Project Number EE0010660