Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics
Physical property data for transitory heating of altered Rotokawa andesite under saturated conditions at 20 MPa pressure. "M" samples are moderately altered, and "H" samples are highly altered. White-background columns depict pre-treatment data. Grey-background columns depict post-treatment data. Standard Error ? 1% of the reported value.
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2019). Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics [data set]. Retrieved from
Kennedy, Ben, and . Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics. United States: N.p., 21 Aug, 2019. Web.
Kennedy, Ben, & . Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics. United States.
Kennedy, Ben, and . 2019. "Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics". United States.
@div{oedi_582, title = {Altered Rotokawa Andesite Thermal Treatment Petrophysics}, author = {Kennedy, Ben, and .}, abstractNote = {Physical property data for transitory heating of altered Rotokawa andesite under saturated conditions at 20 MPa pressure. "M" samples are moderately altered, and "H" samples are highly altered. White-background columns depict pre-treatment data. Grey-background columns depict post-treatment data. Standard Error ? 1% of the reported value.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {08}}
Data from Aug 21, 2019
Last updated Aug 21, 2019
Submitted Aug 21, 2019
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ben Kennedy