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Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System

Publicly accessible License 

This submission contains an open-source library of transient events in distributed system with high solar PV. The library includes the collected data, related documents and scripts for loading the data. The data library is built for transient event detection and machine learning based analysis algorithm development. The data was collected via both field test and software simulation. The units for the data are included in the data file headers for each data series. A text editor or spreadsheet software, such as Excel, and Matlab is required to view the data.

Citation Formats

Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (2022). Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2228281.
Export Citation to RIS
Kuruganti, Teja, and Dong, Yuqing. Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System . United States: N.p., 10 Nov, 2022. Web. doi: 10.25984/2228281.
Kuruganti, Teja, & Dong, Yuqing. Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System . United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2228281
Kuruganti, Teja, and Dong, Yuqing. 2022. "Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System ". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2228281. https://data.openei.org/submissions/5805.
@div{oedi_5805, title = {Transient Data Library of Solar Grid Integrated Distributed System }, author = {Kuruganti, Teja, and Dong, Yuqing.}, abstractNote = {This submission contains an open-source library of transient events in distributed system with high solar PV. The library includes the collected data, related documents and scripts for loading the data. The data library is built for transient event detection and machine learning based analysis algorithm development. The data was collected via both field test and software simulation. The units for the data are included in the data file headers for each data series. A text editor or spreadsheet software, such as Excel, and Matlab is required to view the data.}, doi = {10.25984/2228281}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/5805}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 10, 2022

Last updated Dec 4, 2023

Submitted Feb 23, 2023


Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Teja Kuruganti


Teja Kuruganti

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Yuqing Dong

The University of Tennessee

DOE Project Details

Project Name OEDI - Solar Grid Integration Data and Analytics Library

Project Number 38408


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