Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986)
This GIS data contains the location of coal resources within the Sate of Alaska and was created in cooperation with the Alaska Coal Association. Total hypothetical coal resources in Alaska exceed 5.5 trillion short tons, equal to about half the estimated coal resources of the United States. Major coal deposits occur in the Northern Alaska, Nenana, and Cook Inlet-Susitna provinces. The layers are available as GIS shape files.
### License Info
Use constraints are explicitly stated in the metadata: Any hard copies or published data sets utilizing these data sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications the user has made. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes made by the user were approved by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.
Citation Formats
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2007). Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986) [data set]. Retrieved from
Hallett, KC, and (AEDI), Alaska Energy Data Inventory. Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986). United States: N.p., 30 Nov, 2007. Web.
Hallett, KC, & (AEDI), Alaska Energy Data Inventory. Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986). United States.
Hallett, KC, and (AEDI), Alaska Energy Data Inventory. 2007. "Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986)". United States.
@div{oedi_579, title = {Alaska's Coal Resources: Special Report SR 37 (1986)}, author = {Hallett, KC, and (AEDI), Alaska Energy Data Inventory.}, abstractNote = {This GIS data contains the location of coal resources within the Sate of Alaska and was created in cooperation with the Alaska Coal Association. Total hypothetical coal resources in Alaska exceed 5.5 trillion short tons, equal to about half the estimated coal resources of the United States. Major coal deposits occur in the Northern Alaska, Nenana, and Cook Inlet-Susitna provinces. The layers are available as GIS shape files.
### License Info
Use constraints are explicitly stated in the metadata: Any hard copies or published data sets utilizing these data sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications the user has made. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes made by the user were approved by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2007}, month = {11}}
Data from Nov 30, 2007
Last updated Jul 29, 2014
Submitted Jul 29, 2014
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
KC Hallett