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Lab Homes

Publicly accessible License 

This dataset includes processed data from the Lab Homes (LH) Test Facility located on the PNNL campus in Richland, WA. This a set of 2 identical homes that allow for the side-by-side comparison/performance evaluation of different technologies under the same weather at any given time. The dataset spans December 6, 2021 to December 27, 2021 and represents a series of tests performed; calibration, set-point excitation, pre-heating, free-floating and warm up. The measurements correspond to whole building electrical power, HVAC energy use, water heating, appliances and lighting, as well as space temperatures, space humidity, window glass surface temperatures, through glass solar radiation, and meterological data from an onsite meteorological weather station. In addition to the measurements, a metadata .json file, a .ttl file to visualize the data as per BRICK schema, and a detailed .pdf description of the dataset are also provided.

Citation Formats

Building Technologies Office (BTO). (2022). Lab Homes [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.17041/1887432.
Export Citation to RIS
Chandan, Vikas, Luo, Na. Lab Homes. United States: N.p., 15 Sep, 2022. Web. doi: 10.17041/1887432.
Chandan, Vikas, Luo, Na. Lab Homes. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.17041/1887432
Chandan, Vikas, Luo, Na. 2022. "Lab Homes". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.17041/1887432. https://bbd.labworks.org/ds/lh.
@div{oedi_5781, title = {Lab Homes}, author = {Chandan, Vikas, Luo, Na.}, abstractNote = {This dataset includes processed data from the Lab Homes (LH) Test Facility located on the PNNL campus in Richland, WA. This a set of 2 identical homes that allow for the side-by-side comparison/performance evaluation of different technologies under the same weather at any given time. The dataset spans December 6, 2021 to December 27, 2021 and represents a series of tests performed; calibration, set-point excitation, pre-heating, free-floating and warm up. The measurements correspond to whole building electrical power, HVAC energy use, water heating, appliances and lighting, as well as space temperatures, space humidity, window glass surface temperatures, through glass solar radiation, and meterological data from an onsite meteorological weather station. In addition to the measurements, a metadata .json file, a .ttl file to visualize the data as per BRICK schema, and a detailed .pdf description of the dataset are also provided.}, doi = {10.17041/1887432}, url = {https://bbd.labworks.org/ds/lh}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 15, 2022

Last updated Sep 15, 2022

Submitted Sep 15, 2022


Building Technologies Office (BTO)


Vikas Chandan


Vikas Chandan

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Na Luo

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


DOE Project Details

Project Name Building Data Platform

Project Number 69035


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