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NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011

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[Moxy Knowledge Management](http://www.moxy.com.au/ "Moxy website") provides a general instance of the New South Wales (NSW), Australia, electricity network and an assessment of the robustness of the NSW electricity grid (e.g.,the results of several different outage scenarios). Details about the data and information available, links to the website, and results of the load analysis, are included as a [separate OpenEI entry](http://en.openei.org/datasets/dataset/description_of_the_nsw_australia_electricity_network_ "Original NSW dataset submission"). Included here is an Excel file containing a *snapshot* of the buses and transmission line data available as of 8 March 2011, as well as a .pdf of the original NSW energy network line diagram.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2002). NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011 [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.openei.org/submissions/504.
Export Citation to RIS
Hallett, KC, and Management, Moxy Knowledge. NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011. United States: N.p., 01 Jan, 2002. Web. https://data.openei.org/submissions/504.
Hallett, KC, & Management, Moxy Knowledge. NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011. United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/504
Hallett, KC, and Management, Moxy Knowledge. 2002. "NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011". United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/504.
@div{oedi_504, title = {NSW Australia Electricity Network Bus and Transmission Line Data: Snapshot from Mar 2011}, author = {Hallett, KC, and Management, Moxy Knowledge.}, abstractNote = {[Moxy Knowledge Management](http://www.moxy.com.au/ "Moxy website") provides a general instance of the New South Wales (NSW), Australia, electricity network and an assessment of the robustness of the NSW electricity grid (e.g.,the results of several different outage scenarios). Details about the data and information available, links to the website, and results of the load analysis, are included as a [separate OpenEI entry](http://en.openei.org/datasets/dataset/description_of_the_nsw_australia_electricity_network_ "Original NSW dataset submission"). Included here is an Excel file containing a *snapshot* of the buses and transmission line data available as of 8 March 2011, as well as a .pdf of the original NSW energy network line diagram.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/504}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2002}, month = {01}}


Data from Jan 1, 2002

Last updated Jul 29, 2014

Submitted Jul 29, 2014


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


KC Hallett


KC Hallett

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Moxy Knowledge Management


Submission Downloads