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The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the physics associated with the wind flow in and around the wind plant across a range of temporal and spatial scales, which will be gained through WFIP2?s observational field study and analysis.

**Data Details**

After the field study was completed, the set of mature model physics developed during the field study was further tested in two contexts: (1) 10-day retrospective periods, using the Rapid Refresh (RAP) and HRRR frameworks (with 750-m nest) with cycling and data assimilation, and (2) a year-long reforecast without cycling or data assimilation (i.e., cold-start simulations). These testing approaches did not capture all of the model components developed, but they nonetheless should serve as robust representations of the overall developmental achievements made during the field project.

Citation Formats

Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2016). wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01 [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1405135.
Export Citation to RIS
Macduff, Matt, and . wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01. United States: N.p., 10 Feb, 2016. Web. doi: 10.21947/1405135.
Macduff, Matt, & . wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1405135
Macduff, Matt, and . 2016. "wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1405135. https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01.
@div{oedi_4445, title = {wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01}, author = {Macduff, Matt, and .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**

The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the physics associated with the wind flow in and around the wind plant across a range of temporal and spatial scales, which will be gained through WFIP2?s observational field study and analysis.

**Data Details**

After the field study was completed, the set of mature model physics developed during the field study was further tested in two contexts: (1) 10-day retrospective periods, using the Rapid Refresh (RAP) and HRRR frameworks (with 750-m nest) with cycling and data assimilation, and (2) a year-long reforecast without cycling or data assimilation (i.e., cold-start simulations). These testing approaches did not capture all of the model components developed, but they nonetheless should serve as robust representations of the overall developmental achievements made during the field project. }, doi = {10.21947/1405135}, url = {https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2.model/retro.rap.02.fcst.01}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {02}}


Data from Feb 10, 2016

Last updated Oct 27, 2017

Submitted Jul 27, 2017


Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)


Matt Macduff



Matt Macduff

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Wind Data Hub

Project Number 67025


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