Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data
The WindCube v2 was co-located with Site 300?s 52-m-tall meteorological tower so that measurements below 40 m could also be observed. The meteorological tower has three measurement levels: 10 m, 23 m, and 52 m. Wind speed was measured with a cup anemometer; wind direction with a wind vane. Data are available as 15-minute averages.
**Data Details**
Data Begins: 2019-07-08\
Data Ends: 2019-09-23
Date/Time PST Standard\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 52 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 52 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 52 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 2 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 10 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 23 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 52 m)\
Relative Humidity percent (Site 300 2 m)\
Relative Humidity percent (Site 300 10 m)\
Atmospheric Pressure (above ground level) mb (Site 300 2 m)\
Air Density (above ground level) g/m^3 (Site 300 2 m)\
Precipitation in (Site 300 2 m)
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2019). Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Wharton, Sonia, and , . Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data. United States: N.p., 08 Jul, 2019. Web. doi: 10.21947/1571454.
Wharton, Sonia, & , . Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data. United States.
Wharton, Sonia, and , . 2019. "Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data". United States.
@div{oedi_4396, title = {Surface Meteorological Station - HilFlowS - LLNL 52m tall tower - EOP - Processed Data}, author = {Wharton, Sonia, and , .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
The WindCube v2 was co-located with Site 300?s 52-m-tall meteorological tower so that measurements below 40 m could also be observed. The meteorological tower has three measurement levels: 10 m, 23 m, and 52 m. Wind speed was measured with a cup anemometer; wind direction with a wind vane. Data are available as 15-minute averages.
**Data Details**
Data Begins: 2019-07-08\
Data Ends: 2019-09-23
Date/Time PST Standard\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Speed m/s (Site 300 52 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Speed Sigma m/s (Site 300 52 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 10 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 23 m)\
Wind Direction (from) degrees (Site 300 52 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 2 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 10 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 23 m)\
Air Temperature Celsius (Site 300 52 m)\
Relative Humidity percent (Site 300 2 m)\
Relative Humidity percent (Site 300 10 m)\
Atmospheric Pressure (above ground level) mb (Site 300 2 m)\
Air Density (above ground level) g/m^3 (Site 300 2 m)\
Precipitation in (Site 300 2 m)}, doi = {10.21947/1571454}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 8, 2019
Last updated Oct 11, 2021
Submitted Oct 22, 2019
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sonia Wharton
Original Source Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, wfip2, WFIP2 - Hill Flow Study (HilFlowS), Surface Meteorological Station, HilFlowS, LLNL 52m tall tower, EOP, Processed Data, z01, met, a0DOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025