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Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data

Publicly accessible License 


Sonic anemometers from Physics Site-3 and Site-9 provide wind components and virtual temperature. The energy balance Bowen ratio (EBBR) station at Physics site-3 provides measurements of the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat, net radiation, and surface soil heat flux.

**Data Quality**

Data will be automatically screened using similar maximum/minimum range limits used, for example, for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement EBBR systems. Data also will be visually inspected for outliers and obviously incorrect data periods.

Citation Formats

Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2016). Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1328926.
Export Citation to RIS
Cook, David, and . Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data. United States: N.p., 29 Mar, 2016. Web. doi: 10.21947/1328926.
Cook, David, & . Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1328926
Cook, David, and . 2016. "Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1328926. https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2/met.z22.00.
@div{oedi_4374, title = {Surface Meteorological Station - ANL 10m, (1) Sonic, Physics site-9 - Raw Data}, author = {Cook, David, and .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**

Sonic anemometers from Physics Site-3 and Site-9 provide wind components and virtual temperature. The energy balance Bowen ratio (EBBR) station at Physics site-3 provides measurements of the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat, net radiation, and surface soil heat flux.

**Data Quality**

Data will be automatically screened using similar maximum/minimum range limits used, for example, for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement EBBR systems. Data also will be visually inspected for outliers and obviously incorrect data periods. }, doi = {10.21947/1328926}, url = {https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2/met.z22.00}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {03}}


Data from Mar 29, 2016

Last updated Oct 11, 2021

Submitted Sep 16, 2016


Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)


David Cook



David Cook

Argonne National Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Wind Data Hub

Project Number 67025


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