Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data
Provide measurements of wind speed and direction up to 400 m AGL (max). The data are stored in 2 forms: ASCII and raw (binary). ASCII files contain averaged data (currently -- 15 min time step and 10 m range gate); raw files could be reprocessed with the sodar software (APRun by Scintec) to produce ASCII files with different time and/or height averaging settings (highest resolution is approx. 90 sec and 10 m).
**Data Quality**
No QC checks beyond implemented in the sodar software/firmware (APRun 1.46 by Scintec)
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2015). Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry. Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data. United States: N.p., 08 Oct, 2015. Web. doi: 10.21947/1328917.
Pekour, Mikhail, & Berg, Larry. Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data. United States.
Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry. 2015. "Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data". United States.
@div{oedi_4339, title = {Sodar - PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park - Raw Data}, author = {Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry.}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
Provide measurements of wind speed and direction up to 400 m AGL (max). The data are stored in 2 forms: ASCII and raw (binary). ASCII files contain averaged data (currently -- 15 min time step and 10 m range gate); raw files could be reprocessed with the sodar software (APRun by Scintec) to produce ASCII files with different time and/or height averaging settings (highest resolution is approx. 90 sec and 10 m).
**Data Quality**
No QC checks beyond implemented in the sodar software/firmware (APRun 1.46 by Scintec)}, doi = {10.21947/1328917}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 8, 2015
Last updated Oct 11, 2021
Submitted Sep 16, 2016
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mikhail Pekour
Original Source Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, wfip2, Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2, Sodar, PNNL Scintec MFAS, Oregon Raceway Park, Raw Data, sodar, z07, 00DOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025