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Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data

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The dataset includes 15-minute average wind speed and direction records from 10 m to 250 m above ground level (AGL) in 5-m range gates. Data were collected by a Scintec SFAS wind profiler installed at the Condon State Airport in Oregon, about 1.8 km northeast of the center of Condon, Ore., and are intended for validating WFIP2 model improvements.

**Data Details**

Instrument location:
* N 45° 14? 41.58? (N 45.244885)
* W 120° 10? 06.58? (W 120.168495)

Instrument clock and computer system time set to UTC.

**Data Quality**

The Scintec SFAS wind profiler instrument installed at the Decker Ranch is capable of measuring at heights up to 500 m. For this study, the maximum height was set to 250 m. The instrument was oriented to true north, so no corrections to the wind direction should be made. Scintec wind profilers come with the APRun software package, which performs data collection and quality control (QC), among other functions. Version 1.46 of APRun was used in this study.

The APRun manual states:
*The primary results are checked against local signal quality criteria, combined signal quality criteria and two-dimensional spatial/temporal consistency tests. Any data that does not pass all quality control tests is devalidated and removed*.

Devalidation means replacing the value with an error value, usually a series of ?9?s, such as 99.99 or 999.99. Not all devalidated data are actually removed from the *.mnd files, so the user must filter them out. There are some error flags that indicate the type of error, but these are not included in the *.mnd files, and we have no access to them.

Because QC already has been performed by APRun, our QC procedures consisted of removing samples with error values and performing a visual inspection of the data to see if larger patterns indicated any kind of problem.

There are 515 gaps of two hours or less and 26 gaps of more than two hours. The longest gaps are:
* 47.78 days, from 2016-03-16 18:00Z to 2016-05-03 12:45Z
* 40.20 days, from 2016-06-04 13:15Z to 2016-07-14 18:00Z

All gaps that exceed two hours are listed in file: Condon_gaps.txt.

Citation Formats

Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2015). Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1418162.
Export Citation to RIS
Scott, George, and Jager, David. Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data. United States: N.p., 20 Nov, 2015. Web. doi: 10.21947/1418162.
Scott, George, & Jager, David. Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1418162
Scott, George, and Jager, David. 2015. "Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.21947/1418162. https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2/sodar.z13.b0.
@div{oedi_4338, title = {Sodar - NREL Scintex SFAS Wind Profiler, Condon - Reviewed Data}, author = {Scott, George, and Jager, David.}, abstractNote = {**Overview**

The dataset includes 15-minute average wind speed and direction records from 10 m to 250 m above ground level (AGL) in 5-m range gates. Data were collected by a Scintec SFAS wind profiler installed at the Condon State Airport in Oregon, about 1.8 km northeast of the center of Condon, Ore., and are intended for validating WFIP2 model improvements.

**Data Details**

Instrument location:
* N 45° 14? 41.58? (N 45.244885)
* W 120° 10? 06.58? (W 120.168495)

Instrument clock and computer system time set to UTC.

**Data Quality**

The Scintec SFAS wind profiler instrument installed at the Decker Ranch is capable of measuring at heights up to 500 m. For this study, the maximum height was set to 250 m. The instrument was oriented to true north, so no corrections to the wind direction should be made. Scintec wind profilers come with the APRun software package, which performs data collection and quality control (QC), among other functions. Version 1.46 of APRun was used in this study.

The APRun manual states:
*The primary results are checked against local signal quality criteria, combined signal quality criteria and two-dimensional spatial/temporal consistency tests. Any data that does not pass all quality control tests is devalidated and removed*.

Devalidation means replacing the value with an error value, usually a series of ?9?s, such as 99.99 or 999.99. Not all devalidated data are actually removed from the *.mnd files, so the user must filter them out. There are some error flags that indicate the type of error, but these are not included in the *.mnd files, and we have no access to them.

Because QC already has been performed by APRun, our QC procedures consisted of removing samples with error values and performing a visual inspection of the data to see if larger patterns indicated any kind of problem.

There are 515 gaps of two hours or less and 26 gaps of more than two hours. The longest gaps are:
* 47.78 days, from 2016-03-16 18:00Z to 2016-05-03 12:45Z
* 40.20 days, from 2016-06-04 13:15Z to 2016-07-14 18:00Z

All gaps that exceed two hours are listed in file: Condon_gaps.txt.}, doi = {10.21947/1418162}, url = {https://a2e.energy.gov/data/wfip2/sodar.z13.b0}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 20, 2015

Last updated Oct 11, 2021

Submitted Jan 26, 2018


Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)


George Scott



George Scott

National Renewable Energy Lab

David Jager

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Wind Data Hub

Project Number 67025


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