LANL - Neutral - TTU
This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on Aug. 17, 2012. The dataset was used to assess LES models for simulation of canonical neutral ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.
**Data Quality**
This is the model output, and no specific data quality procedures were used.
This is output from a deterministic model.
There are no specific constraints.
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2012). LANL - Neutral - TTU [data set]. Retrieved from
Kosovic, Branko, and . LANL - Neutral - TTU. United States: N.p., 17 Aug, 2012. Web. doi: 10.15483/1455035.
Kosovic, Branko, & . LANL - Neutral - TTU. United States.
Kosovic, Branko, and . 2012. "LANL - Neutral - TTU". United States.
@div{oedi_4173, title = {LANL - Neutral - TTU}, author = {Kosovic, Branko, and .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on Aug. 17, 2012. The dataset was used to assess LES models for simulation of canonical neutral ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.
**Data Quality**
This is the model output, and no specific data quality procedures were used.
This is output from a deterministic model.
There are no specific constraints.}, doi = {10.15483/1455035}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2012}, month = {08}}
Data from Aug 17, 2012
Last updated Oct 11, 2021
Submitted Jun 20, 2018
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Branko Kosovic
Research Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, mmc, Mesoscale-Microscale Coupling, LANL, Neutral, TTU, microscale, lanl, higrad, neutral, ttuDOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025