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Pakistan Wind Resources

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GIS data for Pakistan's wind resources in graphical files of seasonal and diurnal data from surface weather stations, graphical files of seasonal and diurnal data from Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), and Wind Power Density at 50-m AGL (above ground level) GIS data. The graphical data includes graphs illustrating hourly, monthly and annual trends in wind speed and power, prevailing direction, and frequency of speed, for over 50 locations throughout Pakistan.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2014). Pakistan Wind Resources [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.openei.org/submissions/397.
Export Citation to RIS
Langle, Nicholas, and Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. Pakistan Wind Resources. United States: N.p., 25 Nov, 2014. Web. https://data.openei.org/submissions/397.
Langle, Nicholas, & Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. Pakistan Wind Resources. United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/397
Langle, Nicholas, and Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. 2014. "Pakistan Wind Resources". United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/397.
@div{oedi_397, title = {Pakistan Wind Resources}, author = {Langle, Nicholas, and Laboratory, National Renewable Energy.}, abstractNote = {GIS data for Pakistan's wind resources in graphical files of seasonal and diurnal data from surface weather stations, graphical files of seasonal and diurnal data from Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), and Wind Power Density at 50-m AGL (above ground level) GIS data. The graphical data includes graphs illustrating hourly, monthly and annual trends in wind speed and power, prevailing direction, and frequency of speed, for over 50 locations throughout Pakistan.
}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/397}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 25, 2014

Last updated Nov 25, 2014

Submitted Nov 25, 2014


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Nicholas Langle


Nicholas Langle

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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