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Federal Energy Management Program

In curation License 

FEMP EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System (CTS) enables the public to analyze and generate custom reports of CTS facility level data. This data warehouse includes only non-restricted CTS data. The data warehouse consists of five data sets (or "data cubes") that may be used to build custom reports. There are four detail level data sets used to explore data per module, including prior year records: Facility Annual Detail, Comprehensive Evaluation Detail, Benchmarked Building Detail, and Project and Follow-up Detail data. The 5th data set, Most Recent Facility Overview, allows users to compare the most recent data from fields across all of the facility sub-sets.

Citation Formats

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. (2014). Federal Energy Management Program [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.openei.org/submissions/259.
Export Citation to RIS
Temper, Chris, and (EERE), Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Federal Energy Management Program. United States: N.p., 25 Nov, 2014. Web. https://data.openei.org/submissions/259.
Temper, Chris, & (EERE), Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Federal Energy Management Program. United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/259
Temper, Chris, and (EERE), Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. 2014. "Federal Energy Management Program". United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/259.
@div{oedi_259, title = {Federal Energy Management Program}, author = {Temper, Chris, and (EERE), Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.}, abstractNote = {FEMP EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System (CTS) enables the public to analyze and generate custom reports of CTS facility level data. This data warehouse includes only non-restricted CTS data. The data warehouse consists of five data sets (or "data cubes") that may be used to build custom reports. There are four detail level data sets used to explore data per module, including prior year records: Facility Annual Detail, Comprehensive Evaluation Detail, Benchmarked Building Detail, and Project and Follow-up Detail data. The 5th data set, Most Recent Facility Overview, allows users to compare the most recent data from fields across all of the facility sub-sets. }, doi = {}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/259}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 25, 2014

Last updated Nov 25, 2014

Submitted Nov 25, 2014


Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy


Chris Temper


Chris Temper

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)


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