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###What is the Energy Data eXchange?

The Energy Data eXchange (EDX) was developed and is maintained by NETL-ORD
as an online system to support internal coordination and collaboration
as well as timely tech transfer of data-driven products across NETL's
research portfolios, see "[about NETL](http://netl.doe.gov/about)" for more information.

EDX coordinates historical and current data and information from a wide
variety of sources to facilitate access to research that crosscuts
multiple NETL projects/programs.

EDX provides external access to technical products and data published by NETL-affiliated research teams.

NETL-affiliated researchers can use EDX's Collaborative Workspaces to
coordinate and share work with a variety of organizations and
institutions in a secure environment.

* * *
###Why was EDX created?

NETL recognized a need to improve coordination and reliable access to
information and research products for our own research teams and amongst
our collaborators, as well as improve dissemination (tech transfer) of
research-driven products. By improving the efficiency of data access and
data sharing, EDX facilitates a more rapid and comprehensive
utilization of key data needs that crosscut multiple projects/program
areas (CO2 storage, unconventional and conventional
hydrocarbon systems, natural gas hydrates, etc.). In addition, EDX
provides a cross-cutting system to ensure lasting access to research
data and products for future use by NETL and our partners.

* * *
###Who uses EDX?
Primary users of EDX are NETL (NETL-affiliated research teams, both
in-house and program-related) and non-NETL Fossil Energy researchers
actively engaged in work relevant to a broad spectrum of energy and
environmental research and development programs. EDX provides this
access to evaluate and predict what happens in engineered and natural
systems, while helping accelerate further research.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2014). EDX [data set]. Retrieved from https://data.openei.org/submissions/191.
Export Citation to RIS
Rowan, Chad, (NETL), National Energy Technology Laboratory. EDX. United States: N.p., 25 Nov, 2014. Web. https://data.openei.org/submissions/191.
Rowan, Chad, (NETL), National Energy Technology Laboratory. EDX. United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/191
Rowan, Chad, (NETL), National Energy Technology Laboratory. 2014. "EDX". United States. https://data.openei.org/submissions/191.
@div{oedi_191, title = {EDX}, author = {Rowan, Chad, (NETL), National Energy Technology Laboratory.}, abstractNote = {###What is the Energy Data eXchange?

The Energy Data eXchange (EDX) was developed and is maintained by NETL-ORD
as an online system to support internal coordination and collaboration
as well as timely tech transfer of data-driven products across NETL's
research portfolios, see "[about NETL](http://netl.doe.gov/about)" for more information.

EDX coordinates historical and current data and information from a wide
variety of sources to facilitate access to research that crosscuts
multiple NETL projects/programs.

EDX provides external access to technical products and data published by NETL-affiliated research teams.

NETL-affiliated researchers can use EDX's Collaborative Workspaces to
coordinate and share work with a variety of organizations and
institutions in a secure environment.

* * *
###Why was EDX created?

NETL recognized a need to improve coordination and reliable access to
information and research products for our own research teams and amongst
our collaborators, as well as improve dissemination (tech transfer) of
research-driven products. By improving the efficiency of data access and
data sharing, EDX facilitates a more rapid and comprehensive
utilization of key data needs that crosscut multiple projects/program
areas (CO2 storage, unconventional and conventional
hydrocarbon systems, natural gas hydrates, etc.). In addition, EDX
provides a cross-cutting system to ensure lasting access to research
data and products for future use by NETL and our partners.

* * *
###Who uses EDX?
Primary users of EDX are NETL (NETL-affiliated research teams, both
in-house and program-related) and non-NETL Fossil Energy researchers
actively engaged in work relevant to a broad spectrum of energy and
environmental research and development programs. EDX provides this
access to evaluate and predict what happens in engineered and natural
systems, while helping accelerate further research.}, doi = {}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/191}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 25, 2014

Last updated Nov 25, 2014

Submitted Nov 25, 2014


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Chad Rowan


Chad Rowan

National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)


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