This dataset comes from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and is part of the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook Report (AEO2011). This dataset is table 88, and contains only the reference case. The data is broken down into electric power sector, cumulative planned additions,cumulative unplanned additions,cumulative retirements, end-use sector, electricity sales, net energy for load, generation by fuel type and price by service category.
" /> This dataset comes from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and is part of the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook Report (AEO2011). This dataset is table 88, and contains only the reference case. The data is broken down into electric power sector, cumulative planned additions,cumulative unplanned additions,cumulative retirements, end-use sector, electricity sales, net energy for load, generation by fuel type and price by service category.
." /> This dataset comes from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and is part of the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook Report (AEO2011). This dataset is table 88, and contains only the reference case. The data is broken down into electric power sector, cumulative planned additions,cumulative unplanned additions,cumulative retirements, end-use sector, electricity sales, net energy for load, generation by fuel type and price by service category.
" />
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ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina

In curation License 

This dataset comes from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and is part of the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook Report (AEO2011). This dataset is table 88, and contains only the reference case. The data is broken down into electric power sector, cumulative planned additions,cumulative unplanned additions,cumulative retirements, end-use sector, electricity sales, net energy for load, generation by fuel type and price by service category.


Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2014). ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Crowder, Meredith, Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina. United States: N.p., 25 Nov, 2014. Web.
Crowder, Meredith, Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina. United States.
Crowder, Meredith, Laboratory, National Renewable Energy. 2014. "ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina". United States.
@div{oedi_137, title = {ASEO2011: Electric Power Projections for EMM Region - SERC Reliability Corporation / Virginia-Carolina}, author = {Crowder, Meredith, Laboratory, National Renewable Energy.}, abstractNote = {This dataset comes from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), and is part of the 2011 Annual Energy Outlook Report (AEO2011). This dataset is table 88, and contains only the reference case. The data is broken down into electric power sector, cumulative planned additions,cumulative unplanned additions,cumulative retirements, end-use sector, electricity sales, net energy for load, generation by fuel type and price by service category.
}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 25, 2014

Last updated Nov 25, 2014

Submitted Nov 25, 2014


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Meredith Crowder


Meredith Crowder

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

National Renewable Energy Laboratory


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