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MASK4 Test Campaign for Sandia WaveBot Device Dataset
This data and report details the findings from a wave tank test focused on production of useful work of a wave energy converter (WEC) device. The experimental system and test were specifically designed to validate models for power transmission throughout the WEC system. Additional...
Forbush, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Dec 25, 2023
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Office of Science (Department of Energy) User Facilities
The Office of Science national scientific user facilities provide researchers with the most advanced tools of modern science including accelerators, colliders, supercomputers, light sources and neutron sources, as well as facilities for studying the nanoworld, the environment, and...
Honey, K. and (EERE), O. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Energy Innovation Portal
About the Energy Innovation Portal. The Energy Innovation Portal is a one-stop resource for Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) technologies. This application enables users to locate technologies developed with DOE funding and available for lic...
Webmaster, . and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Annual Average)
This shapefile represents annual average delta T estimates.
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, while cold water is ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Summer Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal summer average delta T estimates.
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, while cold ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Reference Model 4 Cost Breakdown (RM4: Ocean Current Turbine)
Contains the Reference Model 4 (RM4) spreadsheets with the cost breakdown structure (CBS) for the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) calculations for a single RM4 device and multiple unit arrays. These spreadsheets are contained within an XLSX file and a spreadsheet editor such as Mi...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 5 Cost Breakdown (RM5: Oscillating Surge Flap)
Contains the Reference Model 5 (RM5) spreadsheets with the cost breakdown structure (CBS) for the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) calculations for a single RM5 device and multiple unit arrays. These spreadsheets are contained within an XLSX file and a spreadsheet editor such as Mi...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Performance estimation of resonance-enhanced dual-buoy wave energy converter using coupled time-domain simulation
This paper presents the modeling methodology and performance evaluation of the resonance-enhanced dual-buoy WEC (Wave Energy Converter) by HEM (hydrodynamic & electro-magnetic) fully-coupled-dynamics time-domain-simulation program. The numerical results are systematically compared...
Kang, H. et al Texas A&M University
Aug 31, 2020
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Supporting model output files for Environmental Compliance Framework for Floating Tidal Turbines, Cook Inlet, AK
Orbital Marine Power (Orbital) is seeking to deploy their floating tidal technology in US waters and has considered the possibility of deploying in temperate waters including the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and the Western Passage, Maine. It has become apparent that some of the most p...
Wang, T. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mar 01, 2023
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Underwater Mapping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Vehicle with Tritech Gemini 720i Imaging Sonar near Newport, OR
This document presents results from tests to demonstrate underwater mapping capabilities of an underwater vehicle in conditions typically found in marine renewable energy arrays. These tests were performed with a tethered Seabotix vLBV300 underwater vehicle. The vehicle is equippe...
Hollinger, G. Oregon State University
May 15, 2017
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 2 Scaled Geometry (RM2: River Current Turbine)
Contains the Reference Model 2 (RM2) scaled scale geometry files of the River Current Turbine, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These scaled geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. The scaled RM2 devic...
Neary, V. and Hill, C. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 6 Full Scale Geometry (RM6: Oscillating Water Column)
Contains the Reference Model 6 (RM6) full scale geometry files of the Oscillating Water Column, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These full scale geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. This data was g...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Tidal Turbine Test, Downeast Turbines, July 12, 2021
Downeast Turbines tested a tidal turbine prototype with novel rotor/channel system and lateral effluent discharge apparatus (LEDA), during five days of testing in the flume at Alden Lab. Three days of testing (July 12-14, 2021) focused on turbine power metrics of torque and rpm, w...
McBride, G. Downeast Turbines
Mar 26, 2022
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Tidal Energy Resource Characterization and Model Validation via the Assessment of Distributed Current Measurements from microFloat Swarms, Data and Post-Access Report
This project evaluated how high-resolution, spatially distributed field data can be used to refine and validate site-scale hydrodynamic simulations of tidal channels. Use of such spatially-distributed field observations or site-scale hydrodynamic simulations will be needed for pro...
Harrison, T. et al University of Washington (NNMREC) Applied Physics Lab
Aug 20, 2020
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
20 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 3 Scaled Geometry (RM3: Wave Point Absorber)
Contains the Reference Model 3 (RM3) scaled scale geometry files of the Wave Point Absorber, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These scaled geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. The scaled RM3 device ...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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NREL Wave Energy Assessment for the United States and Puerto Rico
This dataset estimates the naturally available and technically recoverable U.S. wave energy resources, using a 51-month Wavewatch III hindcast database developed especially for this study by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Centers for Envi...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Open Energy Information (
Open Energy Information (OpenEI) is a knowledge-sharing online community dedicated to connecting people with the latest information and data on energy resources from around the world. Created in partnership with the United States Department of Energy and federal laboratories acros...
Brodt-Giles, D. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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StingRAY Structural Optimization Final Technical Report
The overall project objective is to materially decrease the leveled cost of energy (LCOE) of the Columbia Power (CPower) StingRAY utility-scale wave energy converter (WEC). This will be achieved by reducing structural material and manufacturing costs and increasing energy output. ...
Lenee-Bluhm, P. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Aug 05, 2020
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 5 Full Scale Geometry (RM5: Oscillating Surge Flap)
Contains the Reference Model 5 (RM5) full scale geometry files of the Oscillating Surge Flap, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These full scale geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. This data was gen...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
University of Massachusetts Marine Renewable Energy Center Waverider Buoy Data
The compressed (.zip) file contains Datawell MK-III Directional Waverider binary and unpacked data files as well as a description of the data and manuals for the instrumentation. The data files are contained in the two directories within the zip file, "Apr_July_2012" and "Jun_Sept...
Lohrenz, S. University of Massachusetts
Oct 07, 2015
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
NWEI Azura RTI 1/20th Model Validation Wave Tank Test Data
Data from the 1/20th wave tank test of the RTI model. Northwest Energy Innovations (NWEI) has licensed intellectual property from RTI, and modified the PTO and retested the 1/20th RTI model that was tested as part of the Wave Energy Prize. The goal of the test was to validate NWEI...
Ling, B. and Lettenmaier, T. Northwest Energy Innovations
May 08, 2017
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: AquaHarmonics High Fidelity WEC Sim PTO and Control Model Validation, Sim Model
Collaborative effort between AquaHarmonics, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to revise and validate Aquaharmonics' full wave to wire model, allowing for reduced uncertainty and increased understanding of design requirements of...
Tom, N. and Leon, J. AquaHarmonics, Inc.
Dec 31, 2021
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC Downselection Report
This downselect report follows the progression from initial concept pool to final concepts moving forward to tank testing for the Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device (DMP), commercialized by M3 Wave LLC as "APEX." Included is a brief discussion of anticipated impacts of the 3 final...
Morrow, M. and Delos-Reyes, M. M3 Wave
Aug 01, 2017
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Admiralty Inlet Advanced Turbulence Measurements: June 2014
This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet (Puget Sound) in June of 2014. The measurements were made using Inertial Motion Unit (IMU) equipped ADVs mounted on Tidal Turbulence Mooring's (TTMs). The TTM positions the ADV head above the seafloor to make mid...
Kilcher, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2014
26 Resources
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Publicly accessible
26 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Reference Model 1 Scaled Geometry (RM1: Tidal Current Turbine)
Contains the Reference Model 1 (RM1) scaled scale geometry files of the Tidal Current Turbine, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These scaled geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. The scaled RM1 devic...
Neary, V. and Hill, C. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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