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Geothermal Resources of Alaska (published 1983)
Geothermal resources in Alaska, provided as GIS shape files and .kmz files (for viewing in Google Earth). Between 1979 and 1982, the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, undertook an assessment ...
Hallett, K. and (AEDI), A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 30, 2006
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Geothermal Permitting and NEPA Timeline Analysis
In this analysis, we outline the types of NEPA-related analyses and approvals (e.g., environmental assessment), and we provide examples of geothermal development activities (e.g., well drilling) that might require each type of approval, including an overview and discussion of the ...
Young, K. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2014
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
California Energy Commission Electricity Consumption by Planning Area (1990-2009)
Electricity consumption data from the California Energy Commission by planning area for Commercial, Residential, Ag & Water Pump,
Streetlight, Industry, Mining & Construction and Total Usage.
### License Info
Twong, . and Commission, C. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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California Energy Commission Natural Gas Consumption by Utility (1990-2009)
California Energy Commission natural gas consumption data by Utility company for Commercial, Residential,
Ag & Water Pump, Streetlight, Industry, Mining & Construction
and Total Usage.
### License Info
Twong, . and Commission, C. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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dGen (Distributed Generation Market Demand) Model Data: Version 1.0.0 Agents
Open sourced agent files needed to run version 1.0.0 of the dGen model. Contains all national, ISO, and state level residential and commercial agents.
Stanley, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 10, 2021
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Solar Energy Environmental Mapper
The Solar Energy Environmental Mapper is a web-based application that displays environmental data for the southwest U.S. in the context of utility-scale solar energy development. It provides access to screening-level data about resources and constraints, with analysis tools to he...
Kuiper, J. and Laboratory, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Thermal Cooling Water Datasets for Electric Sector Modeling
This spreadsheet contains data inputs associated with representations of water (i.e., use, supply, costs) for thermo-electric based production. Values in this spreadsheet have been used to support multiple transmission-related planning studies, using models such as Regional Energy...
Cohen, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 09, 2024
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Microgrid Load and LCOE Modelling Results
These tools are designed to inform high level thinking around micro-grid load and tariff considerations in sub-Saharan Africa. There are two related tools in this dataset:
1. Microgrid REopt LCOE Results Explorer. The purpose of this tool is to display levelized cost of electri...
Li, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 04, 2018
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
GRC 2019 Initial Results Presentation
The Report is being developed by NREL and the GRC, with financial support from the Geothermal Technologies Office of the U.S. DOE and the GRC. It is intended to provide geothermal policymakers, regulators, developers, researchers, and other stakeholders with up-to-date information...
Robins, J. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 01, 2020
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Consumption of Petroleum Liquids for Electricity Generation by State
This dataset contains state by state comparisons of petroleum liquid consumption in the United States. It is provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The da...
Hill, G. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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2019 Geothermal Market Report Fact Sheet
The 2020 U.S. Geothermal Power Production and District Heating Market Report is being developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Geothermal Rising, previously Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), with support from the Geothermal Technologies Office of the U.S. Depart...
Robins, J. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 01, 2020
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
United States Renewable Energy Technical Potential
Renewable energy technical potential as defined in this report represents the achievable energy generation of a particular technology given system performance, topographic limitations, environmental, and land-use constraints.
The primary benefit of assessing technical potential...
Lopez, A. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Building Component Library
The Building Component Library (BCL) is the U.S. Department of Energy’s comprehensive online searchable library of energy modeling building blocks and descriptive metadata. Novice users and seasoned practitioners can use the freely available and uniquely identifiable components ...
Long, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Locations of water supplies serving Nairobi, Kenya.
This dataset portrays locations of water supplies serving Nairobi, Kenya. Locations of dam were approximately located by WRI based on SoK 1971, MoWD and JICA 1992a, 1992b, 1992c, Nyaoro 1999, and Wambua 2003. This data was used in Map 3.9 in Nature's Benefits in Kenya: An Atlas of...
S, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 26, 2018
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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adsorption heat pump
Theoretical investigation of performances of zeolite Y and SAPO-34 coatings for
Melkon, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 21, 2020
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1 Resources
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GeoRePORT Protocol and Spreadsheet Template
The Geothermal Resource Portfolio Optimization and Reporting Technique (GeoRePORT) was developed with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office to assist in identifying and pursuing long-term investment strategies through the development of a resour...
Kolker, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2019
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
DEEPEN 3D PFA Weights for Exploration Datasets in Magmatic Environments
DEEPEN stands for DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments.
As part of the development of the DEEPEN 3D play fairway analysis (PFA) methodology for magmatic plays (conventional hydrothermal, superhot EGS, and supercritical), weights needed to be develop...
Taverna, N. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2023
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Numerical Modeling and Optimization of the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) Wave Energy Converter (WEC)
This project focused on developing an automated workflow to evaluate and optimize the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) wave energy converter (WEC) using open-source Python packages and the MATLAB/Simulink tool, WEC-Sim. The process involved parameterizing key design variables...
Wynn, N. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 11, 2024
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
GIS Data from the 2008 Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States and Canada: Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Shapefile for oil and gas reservoirs identified in the 2008 Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States and Canada.
Wood, J. and (NETL), N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Coordinating Permit Offices and the Development of Utility-Scale Geothermal Energy
This study examines various forms of coordinating permit offices at the state and federal level in the western United States, discusses inefficiencies and mitigation techniques for permitting natural resource projects, analyzes whether various approaches are easily adaptable to ut...
Young, K. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2013
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Electricity Generation and Consumption by State (2008 )
Provides total annual electricity consumption by sector (residential, commercial and industrial) for all states in 2008, reported in GWh, and total electricity generation by sector (e.g. wind, solar, nuclear, coal) for all states in 2008, reported in GWh.
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Geothermal Case Studies on OpenEI
This submission contains links to Geothermal Areas on OpenEI that were completed as part of an effort to gather clean, unbiased information on which to build geothermal drilling prospects. The specific areas that were part of this focused effort, or *case studies*, are linked ind...
Young, K. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2014
19 Resources
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Publicly accessible
19 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: MADWEC Techno-Economic Analysis
The objective of this project was for the facility to conduct a techno-economic assessment (TEA) of the Maximal Asymmetric Drag Wave Energy Converter (MADWEC), developed by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth). MADWEC is used for powering remote monitoring a...
Ortega, T. and Baca, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 08, 2024
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Jobs Tool Jobs FC Jobs Fuel Cells Calculator
Developed for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fuel Cell Technologies by Argonne National Laboratory and RCF Economic and Financial Consulting, Inc., JOBS and economic impacts of Fuel Cells (JOBS FC) is a spreadsheet model that estimates economic impacts from the manufact...
Kalin, I. and Laboratory, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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GEOPHIRES Simulations for Deep Direct Use (DDU) Projects
This folder contains the GEOPHIRES codes and input files for running the base case scenarios for the six deep direct-use (DDU) projects. The six DDU projects took place during 2017-2020 and were funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office. They investiga...
Beckers, K. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2020
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible