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Guelph, ON Canada DTS Metadata
Metadata for active distributed temperature survey (DTS) experiments at Guelph, Ontario Canada. This data that this metadata refers to was taken as part of the PoroTomo project. The metadata includes information about status, location, elevation, units, and other metadata.
Coleman, T. University of Wisconsin
Dec 15, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Stimulation Crosswell Strain Response Fiber Optic Monitoring Report April 2024
This report documents the use of fiber optic Rayleigh frequency shift (RFS) Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS), Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS), and microseismic data recorded during the hydraulic fracture stimulation of well 16A(78)-32, as detected in the offset well 16B(78)-...
Jurick, D. et al Neubrex Energy Services (US), LLC
Apr 03, 2024
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field Map of DAS, Nodal, Vibroseis and Reftek Station Deployment
Map of DAS, nodal, vibroseis and Reftek stations during March 2016 deployment. The plot on the left has nodal stations labeled; the plot on the right has vibroseis observations labeled. Stations are shown in map-view using Brady's rotated X-Y coordinates with side plots denoting...
Feigl, K. University of Wisconsin
Oct 15, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Fiber Optic Cumulative Strain Change and Strain Change Rate Data From Well 16A Stimulation at Well 16B
This dataset includes Rayleigh Frequency Shift (RFS) Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS) cumulative strain change and change rate data. The data was acquired during the stimulation of Utah FORGE Well 16A(78)-32 in April 2024 via fiber installed in Well 16B(78)-32. The fiber optic da...
Khatara, S. et al Neubrex Energy Services (US), LLC
Nov 06, 2024
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Data for Periodic Hydraulic Tests: Hydraulic Data
Hydraulic responses from periodic hydraulic tests conducted at the Mirror Lake Fractured Rock Research Site, during the summer of 2015. These hydraulic responses were measured also using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) which is cataloged in a different submission under this gr...
Cole, M. California State University
Jul 31, 2015
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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PoroTomo: Horizontal Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Measurements During an M 2.3 Explosion
Included here are Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data collected by the horizontal DAS array at Brady's Hot Springs Geothermal Field. The system recorded this data during an M 2.3 explosion at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), which is located approximately 400km southeast of the fie...
Kratt, C. et al Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (CTEMPs)
Dec 18, 2018
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Sample Data from a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment at Garner Valley, California
In September 2013, an experiment using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) was conducted at Garner Valley, a test site of the University of California Santa Barbara (Lancelle et al., 2014). This submission includes one 45 kN shear shaker (called "large shaker" on the basemap) test ...
Lancelle, C. University of Wisconsin
Sep 10, 2013
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field DTS Raw Data
The submitted data correspond to the complete raw temperature datasets captured by the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) horizontal and vertical arrays during the PoroTomo Experiment.
Files in each submitted resource include:
.xml (level 0): Data that includes Stokes, Anti-S...
Coleman, T. University of Wisconsin
Mar 26, 2016
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field Metadata for DTS and DAS Surveys
Metadata for DTS and DAS datasets for both borehole 56-1 and trenched cables.
Coleman, T. University of Wisconsin
Mar 26, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Oilwell Conversion (Well API 121913310501) to Geothermal Heat Storage Well for Flexible Electricity Storage
Geothermal growth is limited by a lack of geographically dispersed high-temperature thermal resources and high initial upfront investment in characterization and well construction. This project intended to address the challenges of energy supply intermittency and enhance grid resi...
Malkewicz, N. et al University of Illinois
May 05, 2021
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis Task
AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis Task
Temperature measurement data obtained from boreholes for the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) geothermal data project. Typically bottomhole temperatures are recorded from log headers, and this informat...
Augustine, C. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 09, 2013
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Life Cycle Emissions Factors for Electricity Generation Technologies
This dataset consists of a table containing the distribution of literature estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the following electricity generation and storage technologies: biopower, coal, concentrating solar power, geothermal, hydrogen storage, hydropower, lithium-ion batt...
Nicholson and HeathEnergy Systems Integration
Aug 23, 2021
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE Project 3-2417: Simulations for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Strain Signatures as an Indicator of Fracture Connectivity
This dataset encompasses simulations of strain signatures from both hydraulically connected and "near-miss" fractures in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). The files and results are presented from the perspective of digital acoustic sensing's (DAS) potential to differentiate the t...
Ward-Baranyay, M. et al Rice University
Jan 01, 2023
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Machine Learning-Assisted High-Temperature Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage Optimization: Numerical Modeling and Machine Learning Input and Output Files
This data set includes the numerical modeling input files and output files used to synthesize data, and the reduced-order machine learning models trained from the synthesized data for reservoir thermal energy storage site identification.
In this study, a machine-learning-assiste...
Jin, W. et al Idaho National Laboratory
Apr 15, 2022
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: GES Well 16A(78)-32 and Well 16B(78)-32 Stimulation Seismic Event Catalogs
This dataset contains seismic event catalogs from the hydraulic stimulation of wells 16A(78)-32 and 16B(78)-32 at the Utah FORGE site in April 2024. The data was collected by Geo Energy Suisse (GES) using a variety of seismic monitoring technologies, including 3-component (3C) geo...
Dyer, B. et al University of Utah Seismograph Stations
Apr 30, 2024
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field Distributed Temperature Sensing Data
This submission is an 8 day time history of vertical temperature measurements in Brady observation well 56-1 collected during the PoroTomo field experiment. The data was collected with a fiber-optic DTS system installed to a depth of 372 m below wellhead. DTS installation uses a d...
Patterson, J. University of Wisconsin
Mar 26, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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High-Pressure and High-Temperature (HPHT) Lost Circulation Material (LCM) Testing
High-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) lost circulation material (LCM) rheology test results, LCM particle size distributions (PSD) analysis, and HPHT LCM fluid loss test results. Three academic papers / reports derived from this research are also presented.
Salehi, S. and Vivas, C. University of Oklahoma
Nov 30, 2021
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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PoroTomo Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Measurements made in Brady Observation Well 56-1
This submission is a follow-up to Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) measurements made in Brady observation well 56-1 during the PoroTomo field experiment conducted in March, 2016. The measurements in this data set were made on August 24, 2018 over an approximately 20 hour per...
Kratt, C. et al Oregon State University
Jan 09, 2019
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment Data from Garner Valley, California
In September 2013, an experiment using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) was conducted at Garner Valley, a test site of the University of California Santa Barbara (Lancelle et al., 2014). This submission includes all DAS data recorded during the experiment.
The sampling rate ...
Lancelle, C. University of Wisconsin
Sep 11, 2013
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Utah FORGE: High-Resolution DAS Microseismic Data from Well 78-32
This regards a high-resolution DAS microseismic dataset produced by Silixa from Utah FORGE Phase 2C seismic monitoring well 78-32 during stimulation testing of well 58-32. It is a very large dataset and as such it is currently not directly available on GDR. However, it is availabl...
Martin, T. and Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Oct 20, 2019
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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High Temperature Chemical Sensing Tool: Preliminary pH and reference electrode test results
Project: High Temperature Chemical Sensing Tool for Distributed Mapping of Fracture Flow in EGS. Preliminary pH and reference electrode test results.
Cieslewski, G. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Preliminary Analysis of Stress in the Newberry EGS Well NWG 55-29
As part of the planning for stimulation of the Newberry Volcano Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Demonstration project in Oregon, a high-resolution borehole televiewer (BHTV) log was acquired using the ALT ABI85 BHTV tool in the slightly deviated
NWG 55-29 well. The image log rev...
Davatzes, N. and Hickman, S. National Energy Technology Laboratory
Jan 01, 2011
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Devices Suitable for Sectional Isolation Along Both Cased and Open-hole Wellbores Materials Testing Report
The main goal of this project is to develop an annular isolation system capable to withstand geothermal downhole conditions and mitigate the problems experienced by conventional packers in FORGE wells. This materials testing report is based on thermoplastic and elastomeric materia...
Teodoriu, C. et al Welltec
Nov 08, 2022
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Brady's Geothermal Field DASH Resampled in Time
This submission includes a link to the DASH (Horizontal distributed acoustic sensing) data files that were resampled in time to 100 samples per second from the original 1000 samples per second files.
Data is in 30 second Matlab files organized into directories by day. The README_D...
Feigl, K. University of Wisconsin
Jul 07, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Dynamic Earth Energy Storage: Terawatt-Year, Grid-Scale Energy Storage using Planet Earth as a Thermal Battery (GeoTES): Seedling Project Final Report
Grid-scale energy storage has been identified as a needed technology to support the continued build-out of intermittent renewable energy resources. As of April 2017, the U.S. had approximately 24.2 GW of energy storage on line, compared to 1,081 GW of installed generation capacity...
McLing, T. et al Idaho National Laboratory
May 31, 2019
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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