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West Flank Coso, CA FORGE Test Area
A map with the Coso West Flank FORGE test area outlined, along with regional seismicity, the aeromagnetic data set and the area currently being utilized for the creation of the 3D model.
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Nov 15, 2015
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Fallon, NV FORGE well 21-31 Lithology, Mineral, Image Log, and Injection Test data
Attached is 5 datasets collected from Fallon FORGE well 21-31 located in Churchill County, Nevada collected and interpreted between Feburary 2018-January 2020. This submission includes 1) new lithology interpretation derived from petrographic thin sections of sidewall cores taken ...
Kraal, K. and Ayling, B. Sandia National Laboratories
May 30, 2020
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5 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Magnetotelluric Inversion
The Coso Magnetotelluric (MT) dataset of which the West Flank FORGE MT data is a subset, was collected by Schlumberger / WesternGeco and initially processed by the WesternGeco GeoSolutions Integrated EM Center of Excellence in Milan, Italy. The 2011 data was based on 99 soundings ...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
May 16, 2016
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Fallon FORGE: ArcGIS Site Location and Geologic Model Range Polygons
A zip file containing two ArcGIS polygons of the FORGE site located in Fallon, Nevada. FallonFORGE3DGeologicModelRange is the 3D geologic model range and FallonFORGESite is the FORGE site location.
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2016
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West Flank Coso Downhole Temperature Data
Downhole temperature data for the three wells inside the West Flank FORGE footprint; 83-11, TCH 74-2 and TCH 48-11. TCH 74-2 and TCH 48-11 were both collected before 1990 and 83-11 was collected in 2009. The are compiled into one spreadsheet for ease of visualization. Plot of data...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2008
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1 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Petrographic and X-Ray Diffraction Analyses for Samples
XRD and Petrographic Study for wells 83-11 33A-7 and 33A-7RD-1 West Flank FORGE. Work and report completed by Clay Jones and Joseph Moore at the Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI) in 2011.
Jones, C. and Moore, J. Sandia National Laboratories
May 16, 2016
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Natural Fracture Data
Natural fracture data from wells 33-7, 33A-7,52A-7, 52B-7 and 83-11 at West Flank. Fracture orientations were determined from image logs of these wells (see accompanying submissions). Data files contain depth, apparent (in wellbore reference frame) and true (in geographic referenc...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
May 16, 2016
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Well Lithologies
x,y,z text file of the downhole lithologic interpretations in the wells in and around the Fallon FORGE site.
All the relevant information is in the file header (the spatial reference, the projection etc.) In addition all the fields in the data file are identified in the header.
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2016
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West Flank Coso FORGE: 83-11 Image and Mud Log Data
CBIL and STAR image logs as pre-processed DLIS files, and mud log of well 83-11
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Jul 31, 2009
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West Flank Coso FORGE: 52B-7 Image and Mud Log
FMI image log and mud log of well 52B-7
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 01, 1992
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2 Resources
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Auto Indexer Auto-Indexer for Percussive Hammers: Vane Motor Dynamometer Testing
Options associated with geothermal drilling operations are generally limited by factors such as formation temperature and rock strength. The objective of the research is to expand the "tool box" available to the geothermal driller by furthering the development of a hig...
Su, J. Sandia National Laboratories
Jan 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Well 74-2TCH Temperature, Pressure, Well History, Well Bore Schematic
Temperature logs, pressure logs, directional survey, well history, well bore schematic, and other reports for well 74-2TCH at West Flank FORGE
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
May 13, 2016
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Fallon FORGE: Well Temperature Data
x,y,z downhole temperature data for wells in and around the Fallon FORGE site. Data for the following wells are included: 82-36, 82-19, 84.31, 61-36, 88-24, FOH-3D, FDU-1, and FDU-2. Data are formatted in txt format and in columns for importing into Earthvision Software. Column he...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2016
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1 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE Digital Elevation Model and Geology Shapefiles
Geologic ArcGIS data of West Flank Coso, Ca FORGE site from a unpublished map by Rich Whitmarsh. The zip file includes a DEM, hillshade and four shapefiles of the general outlines of FORGE area.
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Dec 21, 2015
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Fallon FORGE: Vs30m Seismic Velocity
Time-averaged shear-wave velocity to 30 m depth about the Fallon, NV FORGE site.
Blankenship, D. and Kaven, J. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
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3 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Seismic Reflection
PDFs of seismic reflection profiles 101,110, 111 local to the West Flank FORGE site.
45 line kilometers of seismic reflection data are processed data collected in 2001 through the use of vibroseis trucks. The initial analysis and interpretation of these data was performed by Unru...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
May 16, 2016
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: 3D Geologic Model
An x,y,z scattered data file for the 3D geologic model of the Fallon FORGE site. Model created in Earthvision by Dynamic Graphic Inc. The model was constructed with a grid spacing of 100 m. Geologic surfaces were extrapolated from the input data using a minimum tension gridding al...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2016
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Models
Archive contains thermal-mechanical simulation input/output files. Included are files which fall into the following categories:
( 1 ) Spreadsheets with various input parameter calculations
( 2 ) Final Simulation Inputs
( 3 ) Native-State Thermal-Hydrological Model Input File Fol...
Blankenship, D. and Sonnenthal, E. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
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2 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: 3D Geologic Model
This is an x,y,z file of the West Flank FORGE 3D geologic model. Model created in Earthvision by Dynamic Graphic Inc. The model was constructed with a grid spacing of 100 m. Geologic surfaces were extrapolated from the input data using a minimum tension gridding algorithm.
The da...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 01, 2016
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1 Resources
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Refined Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalog for Southern California (1981-2010)
A refined earthquake mechanism catalog for southern Califiornia using the HASH method and locations derived from waveform cross-correlation. Each focal mechanism is obtained from grid searching for the best-fitting double-couple focal mechanism solution to both the P-wave first mo...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Dec 31, 2014
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Centralizer for Use in Well Completions
Well completions are an integral part of providing safe, reliable and continuous access to underground resources such as oil, gas and geothermal resources. Completions are typically considered to be the final step of drilling engineering which includes processes such as setting c...
Su, J. Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 17, 2014
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Fallon FORGE: Analogue Outcrop Samples
Compilation of results for mechanical and fluid flow properties of analogue outcrop samples experimental data for compressional and shear wave velocities, tensile strengths, and compressive strengths. Outcrop location and sample orientation data are documented in a separate csv file.
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
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Microhole drilling technology utilizing a golden section search algorithm
A fundamental issue in microhole drilling is that delivering high weight-on-bit (WOB), high torque rotational horsepower to a conventional drill bit does not scale down to the hole sizes necessary to realize the envisioned cost savings An optimization algorithm called a golden sec...
Su, J. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Jun 23, 2021
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7 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Well 21-31 Wireline Logs
Included are the following wireline logs from the Fallon FORGE Well 21-31:
Ormat_Forge 21-31_8.5 inch section:
FMI data in PDF and DLIS formats;
MSCT data in PDF format;
Pressure and Temperature data in PDF, LAS, and DLIS formats;
Sonic Scanner data in PDF, DLIS, and LAS formats ...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 14, 2018
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Practices Maintain Straight Hole in Crooked Hole Conditions, While Also Enabling Significant Gains in Drill Rate
Bottom hole assembly (BHA) designs were assessed in field trials for their ability to achieve critical low inclination requirements, while simultaneously enabling high drill rates. Because angle has historically been controlled by reducing weight on bit (WOB), these are often com...
Knudsen, S. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 30, 2014
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2 Resources
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