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Fracture Sustainability Test, Pre and Post-Test Photomicrographs
The primary objective of this research is to understand how different rock types, mineral and fluid compositions, and fracture surface textures determine the longevity of fracture apertures, so that selection of reservoir rock can be economically optimized to reduce future refract...
Dobson, P. . et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sep 26, 2016
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
9 Resources
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WISE-CASING: Seismic Experiment at Richmond Field Station, CA
This experiment is testing the tube waves reflected from the bottom of the well. We put six single-channel geophones on the surface and a 24-channel downhole hydrophone into the well. The well is about 30 meters deep. Just a steel casing in the sand formation, no cement.
Wu, Y. . et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 25, 2018
32 Resources
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Publicly accessible
32 Resources
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Publicly accessible