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SW New Mexico Play Fairway Analysis: Oil Well Formation Tops
Rock formation top picks from oil wells from southwestern New Mexico from scout cards and other sources. There are differing formation tops interpretations for some wells, so for those wells duplicate formation top data are presented in this file.
Kelley, S. New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Oct 21, 2015
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Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Steptoe Valley
All datasets and products specific to the Steptoe Valley model area. Includes a packed ArcMap project (.mpk), individually zipped shapefiles, and a file geodatabase for the northern Steptoe Valley area; a GeoSoft Oasis montaj project containing GM-SYS 2D gravity profiles along the...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Oct 29, 2015
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13 Resources
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Fracture Sustainability Test, Pre and Post-Test Photomicrographs
The primary objective of this research is to understand how different rock types, mineral and fluid compositions, and fracture surface textures determine the longevity of fracture apertures, so that selection of reservoir rock can be economically optimized to reduce future refract...
Dobson, P. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sep 26, 2016
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9 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Time-series geochemistry data of the long-term circulation test
This submission presents the weekly geochemistry data of the long-term flow test performed within EGS Collab Experiment 1 from early 2019 to early 2020. The fluids from each producing borehole/interval (PI, PB, PDT and PST) along with the injectate were sampled roughly weekly from...
Zhang, Y. et al Stanford University
Jan 01, 2022
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4 Resources
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Hydroshear Simulation Lab Test 2
This data file is for test 2. In this test a sample of granite with a pre-cut (man made fracture) is confined, heated and differential stress is applied. The max temperature in this this system development test is 95C. More test details can be found on the spreadsheets--note that ...
Bauer, S. Sandia National Laboratories
Aug 01, 2014
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3 Resources
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Rare Earth Element Geochemistry for Produced Waters, WY
These data represent major, minor, trace, isotopes, and rare earth element concentrations in geologic formations and water associated with oil and gas production.
*Note Link below contains updated version of spreadsheet (6/14/2017)
Quillinan, S. et al University of Wyoming
Jun 30, 2016
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2 Resources
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Washington Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Heat, Permeability, and Fracture Model Data
This submission contains raster and vector data for the entire state of Washington, with specific emphasis on the three geothermal play fairway sites: Mount St. Helens seismic zone (MSHSZ), Wind River valley (WRV), and Mount Baker (MB). Data are provided for 3 major geothermal mo...
Steely, A. et al Washington Geological Survey
Dec 07, 2017
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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SE Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis PFA Models and Probability Map
This submission includes a Na/K geothermometer probability greater than 200 deg C map, as well as two play fairway analysis (PFA) models. The probability map acts as a composite risk segment for the PFA models. The PFA models differ in their application of magnetotelluric conducto...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
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3 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Microseismic Events
This archive contains Excel spreadsheets containing microseismic events detected in the study area during Utah FORGE Phase 2C. The Readme file included that describes the meaning of the abbreviations used as field headers in the spreadsheets. Additionally, there is a .dat (text) f...
Rutledge, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jul 08, 2019
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2 Resources
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Risk Factor Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB)
This submission contains information used to compute the risk factors for the GPFA-AB project. The risk factors are natural reservoir quality, thermal resource quality, potential for induced seismicity, and utilization. The methods used to combine the risk factors included taking ...
E., T. Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
191 Resources
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191 Resources
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Applications of Geothermally-Produced Colloidal Silica in Reservoir Management Smart Gels
In enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) the reservoir permeability is often enhanced or created using hydraulic fracturing. In hydraulic fracturing, high fluid pressures are applied to confined zones in the subsurface usually using packers to fracture the host rock. This enhances r...
Hunt, J. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 31, 2013
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2 Resources
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Preliminary Geologic Map of the Hazen Quadrangle, Lyon and Churchill Counties, Nevada Patua Geothermal Area
Geologic Map of the Patua Geothermal Area. The map includes locations of quaternary deposits, quaternary lacustrine deposits, pliocene strata and other formations. The map is in PDF format. The map legend and scale can be found on the map. This study was done by the University of ...
Faulds, J. et al University of Nevada
Oct 31, 2011
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Granite Core Thermal Properties Test Results Report (Oct. 2021)
This is a presentaiton from Metarock Laboratories on the thermal properties of Utah FORGE well 58-32 granite core. The presentation includes pictures of core samples, core details for the samples (sample depths and size), sample thermal expansion test results, and radial velocity ...
Laboratories, M. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Oct 29, 2021
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1 Resources
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Mineralogy of Drill Cuttings Beowawe, Dixie Valley and Roosevelt Hot Springs
Mineralogical, lithological, and geospatial data of drill cuttings from exploration production wells in Beowawe, Dixie Valley and Roosvelt Hot Springs. These data support whole rock analyses for major, minor and critical elements to assess critical metals in produced fluids from N...
Simmons, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jan 25, 2017
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Documentation on Discrete Fracture Network and Fracture Propagation Modelling
This dataset includes reports and a slide presentation on discrete fracture network (DFN) generation and hydraulic fracture modeling at the Utah FORGE site. It details the characterization of natural fractures using well log and core data, as well as stochastic modeling techniques...
Sharma, M. and Cao, M. University of Texas
Feb 07, 2023
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Milford Triaxial Test Data and Summary from EGI labs
Six samples were evaluated in unconfined and triaxial compression, their data are included in separate excel spreadsheets, and summarized in the word document. Three samples were plugged along the axis of the core (presumed to be nominally vertical) and three samples were plugged ...
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 01, 2016
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8 Resources
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Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: 2km Grid Based Analysis
Combined geochemical and geophysical data, weighted and ranked for geothermal prospect favorability.
M, C. University of California
Aug 20, 2015
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4 Resources
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Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Report
This is the final report for the second phase of geological, geophysical, and geochemical data collection and processing for the Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis project.
Wannamaker, P. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 01, 2017
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1 Resources
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Snake River Plain FORGE: Well Data for INEL-1
Well data for the INEL-1 well located in eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho. This data collection includes caliper logs, lithology reports, borehole logs, temperature at depth data, neutron density and gamma data, full color logs, fracture analysis, photos, and rock strength paramet...
Prestwich, S. and Bowman, J. Idaho National Laboratory
Mar 01, 1979
34 Resources
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34 Resources
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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Chemistry of Formation Waters
Studies of chemical composition of natural brines from rock formations in the Illinois Basin as part of the University of Illinois deep direct-use feasibility study.
Lin, Y. et al University of Illinois
Apr 23, 2018
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6 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Analogue Outcrop Samples
Compilation of results for mechanical and fluid flow properties of analogue outcrop samples experimental data for compressional and shear wave velocities, tensile strengths, and compressive strengths. Outcrop location and sample orientation data are documented in a separate csv file.
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
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2 Resources
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Matlab Scripts and Sample Data Associated with Water Resources Research Article
Scripts and data acquired at the Mirror Lake Research Site, cited by the article submitted to Water Resources Research:
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) as a Distributed Hydraulic Sensor in Fractured Bedrock
M. W. Becker(1), T. I. Coleman(2), and C. C. Ciervo(1)
1 California St...
Becker, M. and Coleman, T. California State University
Jul 18, 2015
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2 Resources
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Active Source Seismic (Ultrasonic) Data from Double-Direct Shear Lab Experiments
Active source ultrasonic data from lab experiments p5270 and p5271 including raw waveforms (WF) and mechanical data (mat). From the PSU team working on the "Machine Learning Approaches to Predicting Induced Seismicity and Imaging Geothermal Reservoir Properties" project. The fric...
Marone, C. Pennsylvania State University
May 05, 2021
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1 Resources
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Grain-Scale Failure in Thermal Spallation Drilling
Geothermal power promises clean, renewable, reliable and potentially widely-available energy, but is limited by high initial capital costs. New drilling technologies are required to make geothermal power financially competitive with other energy sources. One potential solution is ...
Walsh, S. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project, Northwest Geysers, CA: 2011 Geothermal Technologies Peer Review Project Summary
Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project, Northwest Geysers, CA: 2011 Geothermal Technologies Peer Review Project Summary
The Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project was to drill, test, and confirm the present economic viability of the undeveloped geothermal...
Walters, M. Geysers Power Company, LLC
Jan 01, 2011
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1 Resources
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