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Ground Magnetic Data for West-Central Colorado
Modeled ground magnetic data was extracted from the Pan American Center for Earth and Environmental Studies database at on 2/29/2012. The downloaded text file was then imported into an Excel sprea...
Zehner, R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Mar 08, 2012
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Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: San Emidio Geophysical Data
Various geophysical exploration data for San Emidio KGRA
M, C. University of California
Aug 05, 2015
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data in Northern Saguache County, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature in northern Saguache Counties identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate tempe...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data around Pinkerton Hot Springs, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature in northern Saguache Counties identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate tempe...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data in Northwest Delta, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature in northern Saguache Counties identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate tempe...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data in Ouray, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature in Ouray identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivit...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Geothermal Geodatabase for Routt Hot Springs, Routt County, Colorado
This geodatabase was built to cover several geothermal targets developed by Flint Geothermal in 2012 during a search for high-temperature systems that could be exploited for electric power development. Several of the thermal springs and wells in the Routt Hot Spring and Steamboat ...
Zehner, R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Nov 01, 2012
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Geothermal Geodatabase for Wagon Wheel Hot Springs, Mineral County, Colorado
This geodatabase was built to cover several geothermal targets developed by Flint Geothermal in 2012 during a search for high-temperature systems that could be exploited for electric power development. Several of the thermal springs at Wagon Wheel Gap have geochemistry and geother...
Zehner, R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Nov 01, 2012
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West Flank Coso FORGE: Magnetotelluric Inversion
The Coso Magnetotelluric (MT) dataset of which the West Flank FORGE MT data is a subset, was collected by Schlumberger / WesternGeco and initially processed by the WesternGeco GeoSolutions Integrated EM Center of Excellence in Milan, Italy. The 2011 data was based on 99 soundings ...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
May 16, 2016
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Utah FORGE: Roosevelt Hot Springs Analytical Well-Based Temperature Model Data
This submission contains a cumulative record of one-dimensional temperature modeling based off of well data in the vicinity of the Utah FORGE site. Temperature log data from wells used, and in some cases were extrapolated below the bottom of a number of wells. The data were corre...
Podgorney, R. and Allis, R. Idaho National Laboratory
Dec 07, 2018
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Utah FORGE: Phase 3 Native State Model 2022 Update
This is the Phase 3 native state model update. The Phase 3 numerical model represents a significant subsurface volume below the FORGE site footprint. The model domain of 4.0 km x 4.0 km x 4.2 km is located approximately between depths of 4000 to 4200 meters below land surface. Thi...
Podgorney, R. and Liu, R. Idaho National Laboratory
Jul 29, 2022
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Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Stimulation Conference Paper and Data
The U.S. Department of Energy's (U.S. DOE) Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) is a field laboratory that provides a unique opportunity to develop and test new technologies for characterizing, creating and sustaining Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in ...
Best, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 24, 2019
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Improved Microseismicity Detection During Newberry EGS Stimulations
Effective enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) require optimal fracture networks for efficient heat transfer between hot rock and fluid. Microseismic mapping is a key tool used to infer the subsurface fracture geometry. Traditional earthquake detection and location techniques are oft...
Templeton, D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nov 01, 2013
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Favorable Geochemistry from Springs and Wells in Colorado
This layer contains favorable geochemistry for high-temperature geothermal systems, as interpreted by Richard "Rick" Zehner. The data is compiled from the data obtained from the USGS. The original data set combines 15,622 samples collected in the State of Colorado from several sou...
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Archuleta County, Colorado, as Identified from ASTER Thermal Data
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Archuleta County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. The incoming ...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Chaffee County, Colorado, as Identified from ASTER Thermal Data
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Chaffee County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. The incoming so...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Dolores County, Colorado, as Identified from ASTER Thermal Data
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Dolores County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. The incoming so...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Garfield County, Colorado, as Identified from ASTER Thermal Data
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Garfield County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. The incoming s...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Areas of Anomalous Surface Temperature in Routt County, Colorado, as Identified from ASTER Thermal Data
This layer contains areas of anomalous surface temperature in Routt County identified from ASTER thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. The incoming sola...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data around South Canyon Hot Springs, Garfield County, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature around South Canyon Hot Springs as identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate ...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Areas with Surface Thermal Anomalies as Detected by ASTER and LANDSAT Data in Southwest Steamboat Springs, Garfield County, Colorado
This map shows areas of anomalous surface temperature around south Steamboat Springs as identified from ASTER and LANDSAT thermal data and spatial based insolation model. The temperature for the ASTER data was calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate t...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Geothermal Exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon Summary Report
Abstract: Davenport Newberry (Davenport) has completed 8 years of exploration for geothermal energy on Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. Two deep exploration test wells were drilled by Davenport on the west flank of the volcano, one intersected a hydrothermal system; the other ...
Waibel, A. et al Southern Methodist University
Jan 01, 2015
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Washington Play Fairway Analysis Poly 3D Matlab Fault Modeling Scripts with Input Data to Create Permeability Potential Models
Matlab scripts and functions and data used to build Poly3D models and create permeability potential layers for 1) St. Helens Shear Zone, 2) Wind River Valley, and 3) Mount Baker geothermal prospect areas located in Washington state.
Swyer, M. et al AltaRock Energy Inc
May 01, 2017
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Utah FORGE 4-2492: Design and Implementation of Innovative Stimulation Treatments to Maximize Energy Recovery Workshop Presentation
This is a presentation on the Design and Implementation of Innovative Stimulation Treatments to Maximize Energy Recovery Efficiency at the Utah FORGE Site project by The University of Texas at Austin, presented by Professor Mukul M. Sharma. The project's objectives were to place f...
Sharma, M. The University of Texas at Austin
Sep 08, 2023
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WHOLESCALE: Mass Flux Rates for Wells at San Emidio in December 2016
This dataset provides mass flux rates in kg/s from six (production and injection) wells at San Emidio at minute intervals from December 1, 2016 December 15, 2016. Files for injection wells are named with "IW", for instance "WellIW42-21SI.csv", and include negative flux rates. Fil...
Cardiff, M. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Dec 01, 2016
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2 Resources
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