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The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 14, 2015
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 09, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 09, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 01, 2015
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 09, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 01, 2015
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Nov 19, 2015
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 16, 2015
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The primary purpose of WFIP2 Model Development Team is to improve existing numerical weather prediction models in a manner that leads to improved wind forecasts in regions of complex terrain. Improvements in the models will come through better understanding of the ph...
Macduff, M. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 31, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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NREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL): Baseline Measurement System (BMS), Golden, Colorado
The Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL) was established at the Solar Energy Research Institute (now NREL) in 1981 to provide continuous measurements of the solar resources, outdoor calibrations of pyranometers and pyrheliometers, and to characterize commercially available i...
Stoffel and AndreasNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 04, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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DEPRECATED: dGen (Distributed Generation Market Demand) Model Data: Alpha Release
DEPRECATED. DO NOT USE. See current version at See active link below in the resources section. Open sourced data needed to run the basic alpha release version of the dGen model. Includes a pre-generated agent file of 100,000 agents in pickl...
Stanley. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 01, 2020
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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Gearbox Reliability Collaborative Phase 3 Gearbox 2 Test
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Gearbox Reliability Collaborative (GRC) was established by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2006; its key goal is to understand the root causes of premature gearbox failures and improve their reliability. The GRC uses a combined gear...
Keller and RobbNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 02, 2016
17 Resources
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17 Resources
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Wind Turbine / Reviewed Data
The SUMR-D CART2 turbine data are recorded by the CART2 wind turbine's supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) SUMR-D project located at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Flatir...
Scholbrock, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 04, 2019
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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North and South Dakota High Resolution 50m Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential for North and South Dakota at a 50 meter height in a GIS shapefile and links to US national wind resource information tools. This data set was produced and validated by NREL using their WRAM model.
Langle, N. and Lopez, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, John Day Raw Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
McCaffrey, K. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Apr 07, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Troutdale Reviewed Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
Wilczak, J. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 29, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Umatilla Raw Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
McCaffrey, K. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 03, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Umatilla Reviewed Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
Wilczak, J. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 17, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Walla Walla Raw Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
McCaffrey, K. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 20, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Microbarograph ESRL Hi-Res Microbarograph, Walla Walla Reviewed Data
High-precision barometers (Paroscientific 6000-16B-IS) are combined with Nishiyama-Bedard Quad Disk pressure probes, measuring pressure (mb) at the surface, nominally 2 m above ground level. Data are sampled at 20 Hz for potential studies of turbulence. The sensors' ...
Wilczak, J. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 28, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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