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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis Analyses and Results
*This submission updates a 2015 submission for the utilization analysis (*
The files document the analysis of utilization potential in support of Phase 1 Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin. This 2016 su...
E., T. Cornell University
Jul 30, 2016
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Subsurface Characterization and Machine Learning Predictions at Brady Hot Springs Results
Geothermal power plants typically show decreasing heat and power production rates over time. Mitigation strategies include optimizing the management of existing wells increasing or decreasing the fluid flow rates across the wells and drilling new wells at appropriate locations. Th...
Beckers, K. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 20, 2021
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Resource Potential Estimate
Compilation of data (spreadsheet and shapefiles) for several low-temperature resource types, including isolated springs and wells, delineated area convection systems, sedimentary basins and coastal plains sedimentary systems. For each system, we include estimates of the accessibl...
Mullane, M. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2016
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Geothermal Resources of Alaska (published 1983)
Geothermal resources in Alaska, provided as GIS shape files and .kmz files (for viewing in Google Earth). Between 1979 and 1982, the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) and the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, undertook an assessment ...
Hallett, K. and (AEDI), A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 30, 2006
2 Resources
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In curation
2 Resources
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In curation
Altona Field Lab Inverse Model WRR 2020
Includes data for measured inert tracer breakthrough curves first reported in Hawkins (2020) (Water Resources Research). In addition, this submission includes the production well temperature measurements first reported in Hawkins et al. (2017a) (Water Resources Research, volume 53...
Tester, J. Cornell University
Jan 01, 2015
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
WHOLESCALE: Mass Flux Rates for Wells at San Emidio in December 2016
This dataset provides mass flux rates in kg/s from six (production and injection) wells at San Emidio at minute intervals from December 1, 2016 December 15, 2016. Files for injection wells are named with "IW", for instance "WellIW42-21SI.csv", and include negative flux rates. Fil...
Cardiff, M. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Dec 01, 2016
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Geothermal Reservoir Simulation Results in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This dataset contains input data, code, ReadMe files, output data, and figures that summarize the results of a stochastic analysis of geothermal reservoir production from two potential geothermal reservoirs that were evaluated for the Cornell University Deep Direct-Use project. Th...
Smith, J. and Beckers, K. Cornell University
Oct 29, 2019
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
10 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Comparative Analysis of Alternative Means for Removing Noncondensable Gases from Flashed-Steam Geothermal Power Plants:April 1999 March 2000
This dataset corresponds to the final report on a screening study to compare six methods of removing noncondensable gases from direct-use geo-thermal steam power plants. This report defines the study methodologies and compares the performance and economics of selected gas-removal ...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
3 Resources
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In curation
Alternative CAES Technology Using Depleted Unconventional Gas Wells and Subsurface Thermal Energy Storage (GeoCAES)
This project assessed the technical viability of a process called GeoCAES. The process stores electrical energy by injecting natural gas into shale gas formations using a compressor, storing it, and producing it through an expander to generate electricity. This data submission inc...
Johnston, H. and Young, D. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 23, 2019
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Western USA Assessment of High Value Materials in Geothermal Fluids and Produced Fluids Final Report
This report documents the results of investigations dealing with the concentrations and availabilities of strategic, critical and valuable materials (SCVM) in produced waters from geothermal and hydrocarbon reservoirs (50-250 degrees C) in Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Ut...
Simmons, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 18, 2019
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis Favorability Models
This submission contains a link to two USGS data publications. Each data release contains all digital geographic data used and produced by the Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis for Phase 1 and Phase 2 (ArcGIS shapefiles and raster files) as well as the model processing scrip...
DeAngelo, J. et al Utah State University
Jun 01, 2020
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Desert Peak Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to the Desert Peak Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files used in the project. The files include data categories of raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (post-processed data). In each of these categories there ar...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Brady Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to Brady's Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files for the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input and output files are sorted into three categories: raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (post-proces...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
REopt Lite Geothermal Heat Pump Design Requirements
This document describes the design requirements for the geothermal heat pump (GHP) module being added to the existing REopt Lite web tool. This document describes the purpose, users, and functional requirements to which the modified web tool shall conform. This document will be re...
Olis, D. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 08, 2021
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Energy Appliance Data 2009-2010
Datasets for residential appliances energy usage/efficiency. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) collects manufacturer data about the energy use and efficiency of appliances. All of the data was submitted by manufacturers under the FTC's Appliance Labeling Rule (see "FTC Appliance ...
Trade Commission, F. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
19 Resources
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Publicly accessible
19 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utilization Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB)
This submission of Utilization Analysis data to the Geothermal Data Repository (GDR) node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) is in support of Phase 1 Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin. The submission includes data pertinent to th...
E., T. Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Utility-Scale Solar, 2022 Edition: Analysis of Empirical Plant-level Data from U.S. Ground-mounted PV, PV+battery, and CSP Plants (exceeding 5 MWAC)
Berkeley Labs "Utility-Scale Solar", 2022 Edition presents analysis of empirical plant-level data from the U.S. fleet of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV), PV+battery, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants with capacities exceeding 5 MWAC. While focused on key developm...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 20, 2022
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Salton Sea Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to Salton Sea Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files used with the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input and output files are sorted into three categories: raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (po...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Utility-Scale Solar, 2023 Edition: Analysis of Empirical Plant-level Data from U.S. Ground-mounted PV, PV+battery, and CSP Plants (exceeding 5 MWAC)
Berkeley Labs "Utility-Scale Solar", 2023 Edition presents analysis of empirical plant-level data from the U.S. fleet of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV), PV+battery, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants with capacities exceeding 5 MWAC. While focused on key developm...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 05, 2023
5 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
GeoVision: Harnessing the Heat Beneath Our Feet Analysis Inputs and Results
This submission includes input and results data from analysis done as part of the Geothermal Technology Office's Geothermal Vision Study (GeoVision). The submission includes data for both analysis of the electricity sector and the heating and cooling sector. For the electricity se...
Geothermal Technologies Office, U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2019
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
AlphaBuilding Synthetic Buildings Operation Dataset
This is a synthetic building operation dataset which includes HVAC, lighting, miscellaneous electric loads (MELs) system operating conditions, occupant counts, environmental parameters, end-use and whole-building energy consumptions at 10-minute intervals. The data is created with...
Li, H. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 21, 2020
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Utility-Scale Solar, 2024 Edition: Analysis of Empirical Plant-level Data from U.S. Ground-mounted PV, PV+battery, and CSP Plants (exceeding 5 MWAC)
Berkeley Labs "Utility-Scale Solar", 2024 Edition presents analysis of empirical plant-level data from the U.S. fleet of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV), PV+battery, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants with capacities exceeding 5 MWAC. While focused on key developm...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 27, 2024
5 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
WHOLESCALE Catalog of Rock Samples at San Emidio Nevada collected in January 2021 Version 2.0
This submission includes an update to the WHOLESCALESamples2021January.xls file where the strikes and dips initially reported have been corrected to comply with the right hand rule. The updated excel file and a link to the original submission are included in this report.
The ori...
Kleich, S. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Jan 12, 2021
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
WHOLESCALE Catalog of Rock Samples at San Emidio Nevada collected in January 2021
This submission contains information on thirty-six rock samples collected from San Emidio, Nevada during January, 2021 for Subtask 2.3 of the WHOLESCALE project. The following resources include a .zip of rock sample photos taken in the field, a .zip of rock sample photos taken in ...
Kleich, S. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Jan 12, 2021
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
EGS Collab Experiment 2: Microseismic Monitoring
This dataset contains continuous seismic waveform data recorded during stimulation and thermal circulation tests for the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Collab Experiment #2, conducted from February to September 2022 at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Da...
Hopp, C. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
May 28, 2024
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible