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Turbine Depth Optimization Study, Admiralty Inlet, WA
The zipped file contains a directory of data and routines used in the NNMREC turbine depth optimization study (Kawase et al., 2011), and calculation results thereof. For further info, please contact Mitsuhiro Kawase at
Kawase, M. . et al University of Washington
Nov 22, 2009
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: Additional 2km Grid Figures
Various data sets displayed on a 2km grid for the Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR area. Grids at 2km, updated from 5km.
Ferguson, C. University of California
Aug 05, 2015
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Commercial and Residential Hourly Load Profiles for all TMY3 Locations in the United States
Note: This dataset has been superseded by the dataset found at "End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock" (submission 4520; linked in the submission resources), which is a comprehensive and validated representation of hourly load profiles in the U.S. commercial and reside...
Ong, S. and Clark, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
22 Resources
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22 Resources
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Utah FORGE 2-2446: Characterizing Stress Roughness Through Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Growth
This dataset covers work that investigated the apparent toughness anisotropy at Utah FORGE by comparing microseismic data with stress profiles from field measurements. The study analyzes the hydraulic fracture growth of Stage 3 at Well 16A(78)-32 using MEQ data, calibrating a nume...
Cusini, M. and Fei, F. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 30, 2025
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
DEPRECATED: Levelized Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles
DEPRECATED: SEE FOR CORRECTED DATA. This data set includes the levelized cost of charging (LCOC) and lifetime fuel cost savings (LFCS) values as reported in "Levelized Cost of Charging of Electric Vehicles in the United States." Values are repor...
Borlaug. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 12, 2020
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
National Transmission Planning Study Long-Term Modeling Results
The National Transmission Planning Study (NTP Study) analyzed the transformation needed to ensure the U.S. transmission system continues to reliably meet electricity demand as the power sector evolves. The study linked several long and short-term power systems models to test numer...
Brown, P. and Mai, T. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Sep 10, 2023
14 Resources
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Publicly accessible
14 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Neubrex Well 16B(78)-32 DAS Data April 2024
This dataset comprises Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data collected from the Utah FORGE monitoring well 16B(78)-32 (the producer well) during hydraulic fracture stimulation operations conducted in April 2024. The data were acquired continuously over the stimulation period at ...
Jurick, D. . et al Neubrex Energy Services (US), LLC
Oct 01, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock
The United States is embarking on an ambitious transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050, which will require improving the flexibility of electric grids. One way to achieve grid flexibility is to shed or shift demand to align with changing grid needs. To facilitate this, i...
Wilson, E. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Oct 14, 2021
8 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
Utilization Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB)
This submission of Utilization Analysis data to the Geothermal Data Repository (GDR) node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) is in support of Phase 1 Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin. The submission includes data pertinent to th...
E., T. Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
PR100: Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transition to 100% Renewable Energy
The Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100) comprehensively analyzes possible pathways for Puerto Rico to achieve its renewable energy goals while incorporating stakeholder perspectives and advancing energy resilience for all Puerto Rican...
Sky, H. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jul 01, 2022
17 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
17 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
In-Situ Blade Strain Measurements of a Crossflow Turbine Operating in a Tidal Flow
This data was collected between October 25 and December 12 of 2022 at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) turbine deployment platform (TDP). The goal was to collect blade strain data from a crossflow turbine operating in a tidal flow. A t...
Bharath, A. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 16, 2022
17 Resources
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Publicly accessible
17 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Fallon FORGE: Well Data, Geophysical Data, and Geologic Maps
The data is associated to the Fallon FORGE project and includes mudlogs for all wells used to characterize the subsurface, as wells as gravity, magnetotelluric, earthquake seismicity, and temperature data from the Navy GPO and Ormat. Also included are geologic maps from the USGS a...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 31, 2016
54 Resources
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54 Resources
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Research Report of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a one-year (2014-15) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and...
Jordan, T. . et al Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
22 Resources
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22 Resources
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UNH TDP Concurrent Measurements of Inflow, Power Performance, and Loads for a Grid-Synchronized Vertical Axis Cross-Flow Turbine Operating in a Tidal Estuary
This data was collected between October 12 and December 15 of 2021 at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) turbine deployment platform (TDP). This data set includes over 29 days of grid connected turbine operation during this 65 day time f...
Wosnik, M. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 21, 2021
30 Resources
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Publicly accessible
30 Resources
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