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Control-based optimization for tethered tidal kite
This submission includes three peer-reviewed (under review) papers from the researchers at North Carolina State University presenting control-based techniques to maximize effectiveness of a tethered tidal kite. Below are the abstracts of each file included in the submission.
Vermillion, C. et al North Carolina State University
Mar 02, 2020
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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2014 Wind Turbine Gearbox Damage Distribution based on the NREL Gearbox Reliability Database
Despite the improvements in wind turbine gearbox design and manufacturing practices, the wind industry is still challenged by premature wind turbine gearbox failures. To help address this industry-wide challenge, a consortium called the Gearbox Reliability Collaborative (GRC) was ...
Sheng, S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 09, 2015
1 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
1 Resources
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In curation
Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring Vibration Analysis Benchmarking Datasets
Wind turbine condition monitoring (CM) can potentially help the wind industry reduce turbine downtime and operation and maintenance (O&M) cost. NREL CM research has investigated various condition-monitoring techniques such as acoustic emission (AE specifically stress wave), vibrat...
Sheng, S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 28, 2014
5 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation ADM of the NREL Phase VI wind turbine modeled as MHK Turbine
Attached are the .cas and .dat files for the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of a single lab-scaled DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CFD-package.
In this case study the flow field around and in the wake of the NREL Phase VI wind turbine, modeled is MH...
Javaherchi, T. University of Washington
Jun 08, 2016
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Road Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from roads based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a road that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which they exis...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Railroad Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from railroad based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a railroad that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which th...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Transmission Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from transmission based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from transmission infrastructure that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Structure Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from structures based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a structure that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Water Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from water based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from water that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which they exist...
Geospatial Data Science, N. and Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
INTEGRATE Inverse Network Transformations for Efficient Generation of Robust Airfoil and Turbine Enhancements
The INTEGRATE (Inverse Network Transformations for Efficient Generation of Robust Airfoil and Turbine Enhancements) project is developing a new inverse-design capability for the aerodynamic design of wind turbine rotors using invertible neural networks. This AI-based design techno...
Vijayakumar, G. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
May 04, 2021
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Wind Turbine Oil and Gas Pipeline Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from oil and gas pipelines. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a pipeline that an energy project may be developed. As of April 2022, no ordinances were discovered for any counties. Such ordinances are likely to...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Typical Solar Years (TSYs) and Typical Wind Years (TWYs) for the Assessment of PV System and Wind Turbine Performance
This dataset comprises Typical Solar Years (TSYs) and Typical Wind Years (TWYs) for the efficient assessment of PV system and wind turbine performance for over 2,000 locations across the U.S. TSYs and TWYs are single synthetic years generated from the National Aeronautics and Spac...
Zeng, Z. et al Argonne National Laboratory
Jul 14, 2024
7 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
7 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation RRF of Single Full Scale DOE RM1 MHK Turbine
Attached are the .cas and .dat files for the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of a single full scale DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CFD-package.
In this case study taking advantage of the symmetry of the DOE RM1 geometry, only half of the geometry i...
Javaherchi, T. et al University of Washington
Apr 10, 2013
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation VBM of Array of Three Coaxial Lab Scaled DOE RM1 MHK Turbine with 5D Spacing
Attached are the .cas and .dat files along with the required User Defined Functions (UDFs) and look-up table of lift and drag coefficients for the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of three coaxially located lab-scaled DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CF...
Javaherchi, T. University of Washington
Jun 08, 2016
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
9 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
RANS Simulation VBM of Single Full Scale DOE RM1 MHK Turbine
Attached are the .cas and .dat files along with the required User Defined Functions (UDFs) and look-up table of lift and drag coefficients for Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation of a single full scale DOE RM1 turbine implemented in ANSYS FLUENT CFD-package.
In this...
Javaherchi, T. and Aliseda, A. University of Washington
Apr 10, 2013
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
NREL GIS data: Bhutan Wind Power Density at 50m Above Ground Level
GIS data for Bhutan's Wind Power Density at 50m Above Ground Level. NREL developed estimates of Bhutans wind resources at a spatial resolution of 1 km^2 using NREL?s Wind Resource Assessment and Mapping System (WRAMS). Wind turbine output at a given site can be predicted using win...
Heimiller, D. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Advanced TidGen Power System Composites Structural Testing
Seawater aging response was investigated in marine-grade glass/epoxy, glass/vinyl ester, carbon/epoxy and carbon/vinyl ester composites with respect to water uptake, interlaminar shear strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, and tensile fracture surface observations. The re...
Krumpe, A. ORPC Inc.
Jan 06, 2020
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Wind Energy: Bans or Moratoriums (2022)
This dataset identifies counties and municipalities that had a wind energy ban or moratorium as of April 2022. A TIF data file and a PNG map of the data are provided, showing areas where wind energy bans or moratoriums exist across the contiguous United States.
For further detail...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Virtual Flow Solver Geophysics: A 3D Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver
Virtual Flow Solver Geophysics (VFS-Geophysics) is a three-dimensional (3D) incompressible Navier-Stokes solver based on the Curvilinear Immersed Boundary (CURVIB) method. The CURVIB is a sharp interface type of immersed boundary (IB) method that enables the simulation of fluid f...
Khosronejad, A. et al Stony Brook University
Jul 17, 2023
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Airport and Heliport Setbacks
This dataset represents a first-order quantification of airport and heliport setback requirements based on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 14 CFR Part 77.9. It defines the following FAA notice criteria that we use to create runway buffers. Runways longer than 3,200 feet ...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
ORPC RivGen Hydrokinetic Turbine Wake Characterization
Field measurements of mean flow and turbulence parameters at the Kvichak river prior to and after the deployment of ORPC's RivGen hydrokinetic turbine. Data description and turbine wake analysis are presented in the attached manuscript "Wake measurements from a hydrokinetic river ...
Thomson, J. and Guerra, M. University of Washington
Feb 27, 2018
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: CFD Data on a Vertical Axis Wave Turbine
In this study from January to July of 2023, different variations of the original geometry of a vertical-axis wave turbine (VAWT) were generated and evaluated for hydrodynamic power efficiency using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The key geometrical parameters considered in th...
Yang, Y. et al University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jul 31, 2023
37 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
37 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device Design Details
Items in this submission provide the detailed design of the Aquantis Ocean Current Turbine and accompanying analysis documents, including preliminary designs, verification of design reports, CAD drawings of the hydrostatic drivetrain, a test plan and an operating conditions simula...
Banko, R. et al Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Jun 03, 2015
22 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
University of Miami Coupled Model (UMCM) for Hurricanes Ike and Sandy
The University of Miami Coupled Model (UMCM) is a coupled model that integrates atmospheric, wave, and ocean components to produce wind, wave, and current data. Atmospheric data is produced using the [Weather Research and Forecasting model](
Phillipes, C. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2015
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device MHK Hydrofoils Design, Wind Tunnel Optimization and CFD Analysis Report
Dataset contains MHK Hydrofoils Design and Optimization and CFD Analysis Report for the Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, as well as MHK Hydrofoils Wind Tunnel Test Plan and Checkout Test Report.
Shiu, H. et al Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Jun 03, 2015
16 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible