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Field Testing of Compartmentalization Methods for Multifamily Construction Washington DC
BSC TO5 Task 2.1 Field Testing of Compartmentalization Methods for Multifamily Construction Capitol Heights, MD 20743
A building comprising five vertical townhome units was built in the Washington, D.C., area; the townhomes were three-story slab-on-grade units (1700-2000 ft2) wit...
Ueno, K. and Lstiburek, J. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Production and Injection data for NV Binary facilities
Excel files are provided with well production and injection data for binary facilities in Nevada. The files contain the data that reported montly to the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) by the facility operators. this data has been complied into Excel spreadsheets for eac...
Mines, G. Idaho National Laboratory
Dec 24, 2013
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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REE Adsorption Performance with Immobilized Caulobacter Biofilms
This submission includes data collected from experiments on the performance of rare earth adsorption by immobilized bacteria that accompany the FY18 Q2 and Q3 quarter reports. Relevant information from these reports is included in a resource below. The spreadsheet below includes d...
Jiao, Y. and Park, D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2018
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Community Solar Resource Database
NREL has updated a database of publicly available resources related to community solar in the U.S., including journal articles, reports, fact sheets, slides, videos, datasets, webinars, and other formats. This effort aims to compile resources that would benefit all partners intere...
Burton and XuNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 27, 2022
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Fallon FORGE: Lithology Logs and Well 21-31 Drilling Data
This submission includes lithology logs for all Fallon FORGE area wells; determined from core, cuttings, and thin section. Wells included are 84-31, 21-31, 82-36, FOH-3D, 62-36, 18-5, 88-24, 86-25, FOH-2, 14-36, 17-16, 34-33, 35A-11, 51A-20, 62-15, 72-7, 86-15, Carson_Strat_1_36-3...
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 11, 2018
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure
Columbia Power LCOE (levelized cost of energy) Model for the Stingray H1 at the DOE Reference Site of Humboldt, CA. The model is integrated with and reports LCOE from DOE Cost Breakdown Structure
Rhinefrank, K. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Mar 06, 2017
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Stimulation Data (April, 2022)
This is a set of data related to the stimulation program at Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 during April, 2022. This includes daily reports, 1 second Pason data, tracer data, and shear stimulation data and information including a report of an evolving prognosis for the stimulation oper...
McLennan, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
May 18, 2022
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Drilling Data
This dataset includes survey data, drilling data, daily reports, summaries of daily operations, and rig photos from the drilling of Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32, which is a highly deviated deep well. It was completed 60 days ahead of schedule.
Rig move in began 10/22/2020 and dril...
McLennan, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jan 08, 2021
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
US Potable Water Reuse System Costs
This submission contains a set of U.S.-specific potable reuse capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) cost data ($2020) found in published presentations and reports from engineering consulting firms, utility and water agency press releases or websites, and literature. For any...
Sim, A. and Mauter, M. NAWI
Oct 20, 2020
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Reports (1996 2010)
The US Department of Interior's (DOI) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) publishes data from the Oil and Gas Operations Reports (OGOR) for the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region. The datasets include: annual well production (OGOR-A), lease disposition (O...
Hallett, K. and (BOEMRE), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 15, 2010
7 Resources
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In curation
7 Resources
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In curation
Early Market Opportunity MHK Energy Site Identification Wave and Tidal Resources
This data was compiled for the 'Early Market Opportunity Hot Spot Identification' project. The data and scripts included were used in the 'MHK Energy Site Identification and Ranking Methodology' Reports (see resources below). The Python scripts will generate a set of results--base...
Kilcher, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 01, 2016
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Well 78B-32 Daily Drilling Reports and Logs
This data set includes the daily drilling reports and Pason data for well 78B-32 and Schlumberger logs acquired after drilling completion. This well was drilled between June 27th and July 31st of 2021. Also included is raw and processed data for a variety of well data metrics incl...
McLennan, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Aug 09, 2021
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Soda Lake Geothermal: Raw 3D and 3C Seismic-Reflection Data from 2010 Survey
This dataset contains seismic-reflection records created in 2010 around the Soda Lake geothermal field near Fallon, Nevada. The data was collected by the power plant operator at the time, Magma Energy (CYRQ Energy in 2024). This was a petroleum-industry-quality three-dimensional ...
N. Louie, J. et al University of Nevada Reno
Sep 01, 2010
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Circulation Testing
These data and test descriptions comprise a chilled circulation test conducted at the 164' fracture in the EGS Collab Experiment 1 testbed on the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility. Descriptions of the meta data, design drawings for the flow testing system,...
Knox, H. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2019
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Logs and Data from Deep Well 58-32 (MU-ESW1)
Data, logs, and graphics associated with the drilling and testing of Utah FORGE deep test well 58-32 (MU-ESW1) near Roosevelt Hot Springs.
Nash, G. and Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 11, 2018
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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DEEPEN: Newberry Volcano MT and Gravity Data 2022 and 2023 Acquisition and Processing
As part of DEEPEN (DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments), a 3D play fairway analysis (PFA) was conducted at Newberry Volcano in Central Oregon for multiple play types (conventional hydrothermal, superhot EGS, and supercritical). For use in this PFA, ...
Shultz, A. et al Enthalpion Energy
Jun 30, 2023
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
8 Resources
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Publicly accessible
July 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Costs
Dixie Valley Binary Costs reports. Includes cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Jul 31, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Geothermal Development and the Use of Categorical Exclusions Under NEPA
This study focuses primarily on the Categorial Exclusions (CX) process and its applicability to geothermal exploration. In this paper, we:
Provide generalized background information on CXs, including previous NEPA reports addressing CXs, the process for developing CXs, and the ro...
Young, K. and Levine, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2014
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study 3D Seismic
The objective of this project is to use a multi-disciplinary, three-tiered approach to assess the geothermal resource and determine the feasibility of implementing a large-scale, direct-use facility for the Hawthorne Army Depot (HAD) and the various town and county facilities in H...
Lowry, T. et al Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Mar 29, 2018
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Solar Row Zero Energy Townhomes Boulder, CO
Wonderland Development has constructed a new "near zero energy" row home design in North Boulder consisting of 9 units: one 5-plex and two duplexes. NREL has performed short-term tests and installed long-term monitoring equipment in three of these units. Two of these units used a ...
Norton, P. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 27, 2016
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
USLCI Database_Electricity, at Grid, US, 2008
Gate to gate life cycle inventory (LCI) data for the US national grid. Includes generation and transmission of electricity for US electricity grid. Representative of year 2008 mix of fuels used for utility electricity generation in US. Fuels include biomass, coal, petroleum, geo...
Carpenter, A. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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In curation
2 Resources
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In curation
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Temperature, Geochemistry, and Gravity Data
This submission contains multiple excel spreadsheets and associated written reports. The datasets area are representative of shallow temperature, geochemistry, and other well logging observations made across WSMR (white sands missile range); located to the west of the Tularosa Bas...
Nash, G. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 16, 2017
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Renewable Electricity Futures Study Volume One
Renewable Electricity Futures Study Volume One. This is part of a series of four volumes describing exploring a high-penetration renewable electricity future for the United States of America. This data set is provides data for the entire volume one document and includes all data f...
Hand. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 19, 2016
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
StimuFrac Compressibility as a Function of CO2 Molar Fraction
Compressibility values were obtained in a range of pressures at 250degC by employing a fixed volume view cell completely filled with PAA aqueous solution and injecting CO2 at constant flow rate (0.3mL/min). Pressure increase as a function of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) mass fraction...
A., C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Apr 29, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Compiled Groundwater Chemistry Data and Identified Mineralogy for the Portland Basin CRBG Aquifer System as part of DDU Feasibility Study
Groundwater Chemistry data for the Portland Basin was compiled from published literature, as well as state and federal groundwater quality reports. Mineralogies were identified based on previous literature, as well as XRD and SEM analysis conducted at Portland State University. Up...
Svadlenak, E. Portland State University
Dec 03, 2018
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible