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Topographic and Air-Photo Lineaments in Various Locations Related to Geothermal Exploration in Colorado
These line shapefiles trace apparent topographic and air-photo lineaments in various counties in Colorado. It was made in order to identify possible fault and fracture systems that might be conduits for geothermal fluids, as part of a DOE reconnaissance geothermal exploration prog...
Zehner, R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Project HOTSPOT: Kimberly Well Core Photos
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Jun 16, 2011
96 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
96 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Steptoe Valley
All datasets and products specific to the Steptoe Valley model area. Includes a packed ArcMap project (.mpk), individually zipped shapefiles, and a file geodatabase for the northern Steptoe Valley area; a GeoSoft Oasis montaj project containing GM-SYS 2D gravity profiles along the...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Oct 29, 2015
13 Resources
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Publicly accessible
13 Resources
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Publicly accessible
TEAMER: CFD Data on a Vertical Axis Wave Turbine
In this study from January to July of 2023, different variations of the original geometry of a vertical-axis wave turbine (VAWT) were generated and evaluated for hydrodynamic power efficiency using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The key geometrical parameters considered in th...
Yang, Y. . et al University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Jul 31, 2023
37 Resources
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Publicly accessible
37 Resources
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Publicly accessible
DEEPEN Leapfrog Geodata Model Cleaned and Reformatted Exploration Datasets from Newberry Volcano
DEEPEN stands for DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments.
As part of the DEEPEN 3D play fairway analysis (PFA) conducted at Newberry Volcano for multiple play types (conventional hydrothermal, superhot EGS, and supercritical), existing geoscientific e...
Pauling, H. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2023
22 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Project HOTSPOT: Kimama Well Core and Drill Site Photos
The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurf...
Shervais, J. Utah State University
Jan 16, 2011
263 Resources
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Publicly accessible
263 Resources
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Publicly accessible
INGENIOUS Great Basin Regional Dataset Compilation
This is the regional dataset compilation for the INnovative Geothermal Exploration through Novel Investigations Of Undiscovered Systems (INGENIOUS) project. The primary goal of this project is to accelerate discoveries of new, commercially viable hidden geothermal systems while re...
Ayling, B. . et al GBCGE, NBMG, UNR
Jun 30, 2022
17 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
17 Resources
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