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Brine Geochemistry from Soda Geyser, Idaho
These brine samples are collected from the Soda Geyser (a thermal feature, temperature ~30 C) in Soda Springs, Idaho. These samples also represent the overthrust brines typical of oil and gas plays in western Wyoming. Samples were collected from the source and along the flow chan...
Neupane, G. and McLing, T. University of Wyoming
Apr 01, 2017
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Industrial Process Heat Demand Characterization
This data set is an expansion of the facility-level process heat survey conducted by McMillan et al. 2015 https// Using the same methodology annual facility combustion energy use was calculated from emissions data reported to U.S. Environmental Protection A...
McMillan and RuthNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 05, 2018
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1 Resources
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The Foundational Industry Energy Dataset: Unit-level Characterization and Derived Energy Estimates for Industrial Facilities in 2017
The Foundational Industry Energy Dataset (FIED) addresses several of the areas of growing disconnect between the demands of industrial energy analysis and the state of industrial energy data by providing unit-level characterization by facility. Each facility is identified by a uni...
McMillan, C. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jul 01, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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City and County Energy Profiles
The City and County Energy Profiles lookup table provides modeled electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures, on-road vehicle fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and associated emissions for each U.S. city and county. Please note this data is modeled and more p...
Day, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 20, 2019
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Energy Demand Characterization and Surface Plant Modeling for West Virginia University
This dataset provides information gathered to determine end use load and assessment of existing district heating systems (DHS). It also provides Aspen simulation files used to model hybrid natural gas geothermal district heating and cooling (GDHC) system along with Exchange Design...
Garapati, N. West Virginia University
Jan 09, 2020
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Energy Use and Water Consumption at University of Texas at Austin
Provides annual energy usage for years 1989 through 2010 for UT at Austin; specifically, electricity usage (kWh), natural gas usage (Mcf), associated costs. Also provides water consumption for 2005 through 2010.
Steam, chilled water, and electricity are generated on the main camp...
Management, U. The University of Texas at Austin
Jul 29, 2014
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3 Resources
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Greenhouse Gas emissions from California Geothermal Power Plants
The information given in this file represents greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and corresponding emission rates for California flash and dry steam geothermal power plants. This stage of the life cycle is the fuel use component of the fuel cycle and arises during plant operation. Des...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 14, 2014
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1 Resources
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Spatial Data from USGS World Petroleum Assessment (2000)
This is the supporting spatial data for the USGS World Petroleum Assessment, published in 2000. The assessment is the result of a five year effort to estimate the quantities of conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids outside the US that have the potential to be added to the...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 30, 2000
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Environmental Impact Calculations for Geothermal DDU system on WVU Campus
This dataset contains all the inputs used and output produced from Matlab for the environmental analysis of an improved hybrid geothermal district heating and cooling (GDHC) system with a heat pump, without a heat pump, and for a hot water GDHC. Detailed descriptions of the conten...
Garapati, N. et al West Virginia University
Mar 18, 2020
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Geothermal Life Cycle Calculator
This calculator is a handy tool for interested parties to estimate two key life cycle metrics, fossil energy consumption (Etot) and greenhouse gas emission (ghgtot) ratios, for geothermal electric power production. It is based solely on data developed by Argonne National Laborator...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 11, 2014
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1 Resources
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Critical Elements in Produced Fluids from Nevada and Utah
Critical elements and related analytical data for produced fluids from geothermal fields in Nevada and Utah, Sevier thermal belt hot springs, Utah, and Uinta basin oil-gas wells, Utah are reported. Analytical results include pH, major species, trace elements, transition metals, ot...
Simmons, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jul 27, 2017
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
GIS Data from the 2008 Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States and Canada: Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Shapefile for oil and gas reservoirs identified in the 2008 Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States and Canada.
Wood, J. and (NETL), N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Wind Turbine Oil and Gas Pipeline Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from oil and gas pipelines. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a pipeline that an energy project may be developed. As of April 2022, no ordinances were discovered for any counties. Such ordinances are likely to...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Energy Generation by State and Technology (2009)
Provides annual energy generation for all states by fuel source (e.g. coal, gas, solar, wind) in 2009, reported in MWh. Also includes facility-level data (directly from EIA Form 923).
Weers, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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3 Resources
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Life Cycle Analysis Data and Results for Geothermal and Other Electricity Generation Technologies
Life cycle analysis (LCA) is an environmental assessment method that quantifies the environmental performance of a product system over its entire lifetime, from cradle to grave. Based on a set of relevant metrics, the method is aptly suited for comparing the environmental performa...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Jun 04, 2013
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1 Resources
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Assessing REE Concentrations in Geothermal and Oil and Gas Produced Waters: A Potential Domestic Source of Strategic Mineral Commodities
The project team collected and analyzed 224 water samples and 101 matching rock samples. INL's improved method of measuring aqueous REEs allows study of samples previously thought too volume limited to measure.
The study found that aqueous REEs occur at trace levels in all analyz...
Quillinan, S. et al University of Wyoming
Mar 08, 2019
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1 Resources
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Argonne Geothermal Geochemical Database v2.0
A database of geochemical data from potential geothermal sources aggregated from multiple sources as of March 2010. The database contains fields for the location, depth, temperature, pH, total dissolved solids concentration, chemical composition, and date of sampling. A separate...
Harto, C. Argonne National Laboratory
May 22, 2013
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1 Resources
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Solar PV Oil and Gas Pipeline Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends
This dataset represents solar energy setback requirements from oil and gas pipelines. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from a pipeline that an energy project may be developed. As of April 2022, no ordinances were discovered for any counties. Such ordinances are likely t...
Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Community Geothermal: Energy, Cost, and Carbon Modeling for District Design Ann Arbor, MI
This data includes results on an analysis of existing and projected energy, cost, and carbon for the City of Ann Arbor District Geothermal Design and Deployment to Equitably Decarbonize Low Income Neighborhoods in Ann Arbor project. The scope of the project includes designing and ...
Lee, J. and McMillen, A. IMEG Corp
Jan 01, 2024
31 Resources
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31 Resources
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Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Modelling of Stockton University Reservoir Cooling System, Large Scale Grid
Mesh, properties, initial conditions, injection/withdrawal rates for modeling thermal, hydrological, and mechanical effects of fluid injection to and withdrawal from ground for Stockton University reservoir cooling system (aquifer storage cooling system), Galloway, New Jersey, on ...
Smith, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 26, 2021
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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Oil and Gas Resource Potential of ANWR-1002 Area
The USGS published the data supporting the 1998 report, *The Oil and Gas Resource Potential of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 1002 Area, Alaska*. The series of datasets (available as Excel files) covers the following topics: oil analysis, petroleum systems, streamwater...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 30, 1998
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Data Corresponding to 2010 Renewable Energy Data Book
The US Department of Energy (DOE), via the office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), publishes an annual Renewable Energy Data Book. Provided here is the data corresponding to the 2010 Renewable Energy Data Book. The types of data available include: US energy produc...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: EGS Reservoir Produced Fluids Geochemistry 2022-2024
This dataset contains geochemical analyses of produced fluids from the Utah FORGE site, specifically from wells 16A(78)-32, 16B(78)-32, and 58-32, collected during various stimulation, flowback, and circulation tests conducted between 2022 and 2024. The data contains element conce...
Simmons, S. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Feb 26, 2025
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1 Resources
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Critical Elements in Reservoir Rocks of Produced Fluids Nevada and Utah August 2017
Critical and trace element data for drill cuttings from Beowawe, Dixie Valley, and Roosevelt Hot Springs-Blundell geothermal production fields, for drill cuttings from Uinta basin producing oil-gas wells, and from outcrops in the Sevier Thermal Anomaly-Utah.
Simmons, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Aug 18, 2017
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1 Resources
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LA100 Equity Strategies: Rates and Affordability Report Data Appendices
Appendix data tables to accompany LA100 Equity Strategies Chapter 5: Rates and Affordability
Bowen and SimeoneNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 25, 2023
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7 Resources
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